"New Winchester Upgrade" : *Mossberg 464 SPX*- (Weapon from BM GP Crate)


We all look at the Black Market's GP section looking for something interesting to spend the GP we have in large quantity.

Here's something worthy of YOUR GP! The new and fantastic, an improvment of the regular Winchester and now MUCH MUCH MUCH BETTER!

Here it is:

* Mossberg 464 SPX* :


Improvment in comprarasing with the regular winchester in the Thompson/ Winchester Crate:

The Mossberg 464 SPX has:

*1- Better look and appeal
*2- Remarkable Reload Speed
*3- Amazing Accuracy
*4- Versatility

But guys, don't take my word, watch the video and comment below, give me your feedback:
Youtube Link from Mossberg 464 SPX:

-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itXE9GXBUmg

Another suggestion from: " *[RL]BaDasS ".
