I few problems i have noticed

I have noticed a few problems with the description of weapons. for instance i am certain psg1 is somewhat pricy but it is the most accurate semi and full automatic rifle the bolt actions all fire a tiny bit higher (although it is zeroed in on some distance).

Probably only the lapua magnum and the psg1 is needed both pricier and the others are just inferior.

then i see the pistols and the revolvers have low fire rate unpunctual compared to desert eagly yet mroe or less the same price and heavier for the same capacity. perhpas pricier. instead as revolvers there should be .500 magnum and .454 casull (one is 5 round mag the other is 6 and less powerfull). monster of guns, then of course chopped off barrel version of both for more tactical muzzle flash [burning teammates and blinding them] provided there is enough power in these rounds.

another possibility maybe is .44 magnum metaba (metaba unica hunter version or what)

some of the strenght bars are realy odd. now of course a 9mm gun maybe stronger but there is significant power in kinetic energy also compared to using some sort of heavier explosive filling (wich in this case means little penetration or possibly so) a 9mm bulelt is heavier then a 5.56 or 7.62

there is no rpg-7-esque weapon wich is disturbing.

and also a middle sized double or tripple barrel shotgun with multiple barrel being fired at once possible (another fire button on the keyboard additonally maybe, normal fire button fires simply the prefered barrel or next barrel loaded if it is 3 barrel more rounds fired at once more additional damage from synergy from close range, mroe recoil and some more spread for the whole not simply added.).

so that there is a simplified shotgun sight of sort, two barrels on top and a third on buttom integral with a grip. 1,2 or 3 rounds are loaded at once in a quick fashion.

also an mm1 (all grenandes short range fragmentation, more concussion slightly incendiary and some bliniiding flash at shorter ranges little smoke left afterwards for a short while [white phosphorous mixed in the explosive with some flashbang someting content too.. basicly the dissolving evaporating freagmentation content ignited ] 40 mm 12 rounds grenade launcher. so this and the rpg7 like thing two heavy grenade launcehrs one with more rounds and disruption the other is larger round with added projetctile providing additional damage and penetration to the front.


  • zmate25 wrote: »
    there is no rpg-7-esque weapon wich is disturbing.
    Have you played wave mode? When you pick a class card you should see an RPG card, and if you play wave mode enough you'll eventually get a gold RPG class card. After you pick the class card you want and start a game, once you reach the in-game level of 5 in that particular wave mode game you'll be able to press F to draw out the RPG(or whichever class card you picked).

    As for what damages the weapons do, some of them are severely underpowered in this game compared to the real life weapons but that's the way the developers chose to balance those weapons so they wouldn't be too overpowered. If the Glock-18 in this game were like the real handgun, it would likely be the most popular handgun in the game and would actually be more powerful than some of the SMG's which would be too powerful for a secondary weapon.
  • i was reading the weapon description i havent played the game only an earlier version. i dont have windows 7 or 8. i would like to add it would be good if it would be available on ubuntu/debian linux. but this is a free game mostly i dont know how things are i just state about things what i see (more minor things).