[O]ne [U]p is now Recruiting!

[O]ne p Is now recruiting anyone from pro's to rookie's.
Requirements are:
1.000 or better Kill Death Ratio (KDR)
Must speak English
Must have a Mic/Headset or be able to type fast and have Ventrilo installed onto your computer.
You will be tested by one of our LT's or our Clan Leader, Or even both some times, You have to have their approval to get into the clan, We are a fresh clan but chock full of Proffesionals
I hope you apply and if you want to talk to me either reply on this thread or PM me in game, IGN: *BlackSh0t*- Or PM the Clan Leader at: IGN: _*David*_

Thanks for your time and I hope you would like to join our clan!


- *BlackSh0t*-