Room options suggest

First of all, sry if I repost (idk).
My suggestion is to add a room option that denies the use of vip weapons, so the "legit" and classic players of the "old times" we can play with normal weapons like always before vip came out.

P.D.: This is not to criticise VIP weapons but I think that they are a bit P2W.


  • vip weapons are just like the normal weps with melle atack
    nothin spesial
    just a lot exp and gp bonus with differend killmarks (these dont afect gameplay)
    a litle faster reload and melle atack is all that they have
    thats all
  • Neh, this is just discrimination against people who pay cash to play, which, I hate to say is what keeps the game in business.

    I would honestly agree to this if you make a "basic mall" function for a room, so only items in the basic GP mall would be allowed, but there needs to be limits on the number of rooms and per channel that can have these rooms so that they don't overpopulate the game.

    Honestly, put yourself in a VIP player's shoes. You payed for an item, you already get kicked, insulted, and have people begging you for your gun or ZP, and people trying to scam your account. On the average day I have at least three people try to scam me in-game. How would you feel putting up with all that, and you can't even use your gun in a lot of matches?

    Not trying to be rude, and I understand VIP owners are a minority, but it doesn't mean we should have to suffer for paying to win on a F2P game.
  • Ouros_dono wrote: »
    Neh, this is just discrimination against people who pay cash to play, which, I hate to say is what keeps the game in business.

    I would honestly agree to this if you make a "basic mall" function for a room, so only items in the basic GP mall would be allowed, but there needs to be limits on the number of rooms and per channel that can have these rooms so that they don't overpopulate the game.

    Honestly, put yourself in a VIP player's shoes. You played for an item, you already get kicked, insulted, and have people begging you for your gun or ZP, and people trying to scam your account. On the average day I have at least three people try to scam me in-game. How would you feel putting up with all that, and you can't even use your gun in a lot of matches?

    Not trying to be rude, and I understand VIP owners are a minority, but it doesn't mean we should have to suffer for paying to win on a F2P game.

    Agreed, i only have 1 VIP and im constantly disturbed in each match, also if someone pays a great cost of money whats the use of just leaving it in your storage. BTW i dont think VIPs are OP at all (my opinion).