Rebalancing Votekick

The vote kicks are getting out of hand, scratch that, they ARE out of hand. I see at least one false kick EVERY match I go into. Mutation Mode and it's variants are the worst, probably 1/10 of the time when someone gets infected they rage kick. As for the hackers, yeah kicking is great for them, but sometimes the vote doesn't even pass!

Solution? Focus on your hack team, like REALLY focus. Also try removing the vote kicking system. The amount of hackers in this game is outrageous and it allows the abuse of the vote kick system.

TL;DR: The vote kick system is corrupt and it ruins the playing experience.


Also if anybody has any tips to not getting kicked that'd be great. I'm kinda mad right now and I think you could guess why.


  • People will do that, but there's no stopping them.
  • what?... no.

    But I like the idea someone had mentioned on another suggestion. (about having the non-votes count as 'agree' )
    Having this system would work better for all parties. If the player being voted on is legitimate, it isn't discomfort to f12. Most considerably honest players do this anyway. In addition, it would work to our advantage in kicking the right people consistently.
  • Also try removing the vote kicking system.

    This is a very horrible idea. Without the vote kick system the hackers will be insane in the game, and there will be nothing to do about them.
  • Also try removing the vote kicking system.
    The kick system isn't broken. It's the players. Even high ranks will dickride hackers if their team sucks. Had a Major in a WM just a few minutes ago who wouldn't kick his blatant hacker buddy. We asked a dozen times and....nothing. Then he goes and kicks the guy who's doing really bad instead. Can't even count on a lot of veterans in the game. Oh well, we rekt his gay ass anyway.
  • Vote kick needs to be heavily modified, not removed. For one, the kick requirements should be different for each mode, since abuse and effectiveness for kicking hacker is variable in different modes. F12 should also not count for disagree or agree, it should count as nothing.

    I am also of the opinion a "point" based system should be in place where certain factors, like having Honorable ribbon and other ribbons that indicate a long term player, rank, and other similar factors that reduce likelihood of hacking should be part of the vote system. This way low rank hackers get kicked more easily, while higher rank players who have a much lower chance of hacking are kicked less often.

    And, going to throw this out there, even though it might be unpopular to some. VIP owners of at least three VIP's shouldn't be kickable to non-VIP players. A person who owns three VIP'S is not likely to cheat on that account, and many players with VIP weapons are kicked just because other players don't have them.
  • So the best way to stop hackers from ruining games is to remove the only way to get rid of them from your games? Seems logical enough.

    Pick your poison, getting wrongly kicked a few times, or being able to kick hackers at all. I think it's pretty obvious which one is a better choice.
  • Bawbs wrote: »
    So the best way to stop hackers from ruining games is to remove the only way to get rid of them from your games? Seems logical enough.

    Pick your poison, getting wrongly kicked a few times, or being able to kick hackers at all. I think it's pretty obvious which one is a better choice.

    Some modifications could be good. But removing it altogether would be a disaster. Remember when FFA didn't have a kick option? That was brutal.

    I'd bet that a lot of the time kicking a hacker doesn't work is because people are oblivious to the kick system in general. I've had my inexperienced friend come over and play a bit and he'll be all, "HORY SHET THAT GUYS SHOOTING ME THROUGH WALLS!" but when the kick comes up I have be all, "Yo, hit F11" over his shoulder because he's just oblivious a kick is happening.

    Making only active votes count may help but could also backfire. I know I have the habit of not even bothering to vote when it's not a legit kick. If they changed that a lot of unjust kicks would probably pass regardless of how aware people are due to the tendency of only voting when in favor.
  • Bawbs wrote: »
    So the best way to stop hackers from ruining games is to remove the only way to get rid of them from your games? Seems logical enough.

    Pick your poison, getting wrongly kicked a few times, or being able to kick hackers at all. I think it's pretty obvious which one is a better choice.

    Um Sir, how much legits players are being kicked vs hackers? I'm pretty sure 99/100 because most hackers I tried to kick speeding/fast knife and so on doesn't even get to 5 in a room of 16 players...