Welcom to "Memento Mo®i" (Rank 53)

Greetings to all!
Guys, who want to international clan?
Clan ranking 53 !
Need players for playing Clan War and team play on public!
Want it all?
Then welcome to Memento Mo®i (click)
Our clan consists mostly of Russian players but we will be glad to see you in our clan!

We use TeamSpeak server: Patriot.rucf.ru
(For those of you in the room have Teamspeak to communicate in English or any other language of your)


Clan Rules

Be active. Players that have not played for two weeks will be kicked unless an LT has been notified of your absense.
Be respectful of your fellow members. Joking around is fine, but if you are intentionally trying to start a fight, you will be kicked.
Don't RQ in Clan Wars unless asked to light trick, etc.
No hacking whatsoever

Clan Requirements

-Have positive KDR
-Have " HONORABLE SOLDIER ribbon23.jpg "
-Be on at least three times a week
-Not below the rank of 320class_29.jpg
-Be Respectful; No flaming or harassment.
-No hacking/glitching (If caught you will be kicked from the clan and reported).
-Age from 17 years


Please fill in the format listed below when applying.
Invited by (if any)
Honorable Soldier Ribbon: Yes or No? If No, Why not?
