1Ø1*PitBullz Are Now Recuiting!!!!

Clan 1Ø1*PitBullz is now recruiting! Needing active players, k/d ratio of 1.20 or over (not hard at all), and only need to get a minimum of 8 clans points per week! Will not be kicked straight aaway if you don't meet this- we are EXTREMELY lenient ;) Rank 2500 at the moment, but we're going up a thousand ranks a day really... So should be in top 500 soon.

http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=48145 <---- Clan link.

No hackers, no crying in clan games, unless they're aimbotting or something... In which case they will be reported :) And really, just have fun. Glitching is fun so do it amongst ourselves =]

Join TO-DAY!!!

*HybriD__ (Leader)