Keyboard Error

Hey everyone,
I just got a new laptop using Window 8.1.
I installed Crossfire and started to play...
Now I wanted to pres F11 & F12 to kick some one.
And suddenly it started to use my Computer settings from those F buttons instead of the ingame settings...
Does anyone know how to fix this? so that the F buttons when not running CF do computer stuff and when running CF they only do CF settings?


  • Most like you have multimedia key set as default to be used on all F keys (instead to execute F1 ... F12, pressing F key will execute the other symbol as: volume+, volume-, open IE browser, mute mic,...etc)

    Usually you can check your bios - there is an option that activate as default multimedia function for all F key - then if you wanna use origianl F function you need to press Fn Key + F key you desire - like Fn+F11 = normal F11...

    Deactivate that option from bios = will made primary function for all F key default (as normal keyboard), and when you need multimedia function must press Fn+F key (like Fn+F3 = volume +)


    Oke thanks alot for this message, helped me alot..
    I think im gonna use the Fn button ingame instead of messing up my new laptop :P
  • Lol I had the same problem when I first got a windows 8 computer. Later found out I had to press fn + f11/f12 to vote.