Prepaid card Deposit

I am from the UK and you can buy Prepaid cards for the value of £10, £25 etc.. but as I check the prices on the website for ZP selecting the UK as location it gives me dollars and its not equivalent.
for example an option is: 20,000 ZP = $17.49, which is £10.54 converted into pounds (according to google) but I if I buy a prepaid card it will have £10 and increase in £5s on it so how does it work?
Using a £10 prepaid card will not be enough and £15 would be too much
I'm guessing in the past $17.49 used to be £10.54 but now it might of changed to £10 and CF didn't change it


  • Thats how it works. No matter where you are from and wich currency you have in the end you pay with dollars.
    I use PSC and I always have to pay more, as example :
    Here in Croatia we have PSC of 50,100,200,500kn. 1€ = cca 7kn, 1$ = cca 4.5kn.
    That means if I want to buy 10k zp I have to buy PSC of 100 and I will be left with around 2€ for next time if I'm not mistaken so next time PSC of 50kn will be enough for another 10k zp. Best thing would be to buy 100k zp with PSC of 500kn and save around € and half for next time tho I would have to buy on another purchase PSC of 100 cuz that € and half wont be enough for 10k zp, I would need 3-4 more €.

    I would give more precise info but I'm on phone.

    Main point is because I have to pay for biger PSC there is always 1-3€ left in the end.
  • stane031 wrote: »
    Thats how it works. No matter where you are from and wich currency you have in the end you pay with dollars.
    I use PSC and I always have to pay more, as example :
    Here in Croatia we have PSC of 50,100,200,500kn. 1€ = cca 7kn, 1$ = cca 4.5kn.
    That means if I want to buy 10k zp I have to buy PSC of 100 and I will be left with around 2€ for next time if I'm not mistaken so next time PSC of 50kn will be enough for another 10k zp. Best thing would be to buy 100k zp with PSC of 500kn and save around € and half for next time tho I would have to buy on another purchase PSC of 100 cuz that € and half wont be enough for 10k zp, I would need 3-4 more €.

    I would give more precise info but I'm on phone.

    Main point is because I have to pay for biger PSC there is always 1-3€ left in the end.

    PSC provides free accounts which you can add the money from your card to the account and pay with the account which means any left of money remains in you account and will add up. Like a bank account.