Potential idea that could get rid of hackers

I think I may or may not have a good idea. I don't know if its possible, very hard to do or just a stupid idea. CF is quite popular right? its kind of a successful game right? it has a very good technique of making people waste their money on the black market and make their money through that, even though there are so many hackers that are able to keep players in the game. So showing this quality of the game and their success to a big company (maybe EA) and partner up or sponsor for them. They take a percentage of the CFs profits and in exchange to greatly improve the anti-hack software; look at EAs multiplayer games rarely any hackers and also improve the game even more with new content which overall gives CF more money even though they gave a percentage to EA they still get more money then before and also it defeats the risk of closing the game because of players will not be paying anymore as there are too many hackers. So please consider this or wait until everyone leaves and close the game down which I believe may happen, just like a game Bots from acclaim which was very awesome and popular but suddenly it was invaded by hackers and was shut down. It may sound stupid that a player comes up with this but THINK about it!


  • The profit increase you'd have to see from this most likely wouldn't be likely to occur from any partnership. Since players are willing to spend so much on such an underwhelming product, it is unlikely that a partnership that increases quality, while decreasing the money Smilegate itself would make based on this partnership would work out for them. There would need to be a drastic increase in ZP sales for them to benefit from this.

    Also, consider that this is only one version from an international company, and I doubt, given the quality we see in general in this game, that the NA/UK versions are all that profitable. At least when compared to their other versions.
  • EA is too big to care about a low rate game I think.
  • Atheistic wrote: »
    EA is too big to care about a low rate game I think.

    Well not necessarily EA and also I think they will be interested if they found out how addictive it is. If EA helps cf then there would be so many more servers and so many players. It would turn into a larger scale and won't be such a low rated game. And cf is not that low rate.