Rêtrîbµtîøn recruiting [NEED A GIRL!!!]

Rêtrîbµtîøn clan is recruiting http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=52157

Must have 1.8+ KDR and follow the code of honor <--- WDF o.0

[Rêtrîbµtîøn] -Code of Honour-
1. Please do not RQ in scrims under MOST circumstances.
2. Please do not QQ and call hack in public, tell that in team or clan chat.
3. Please do not pick fights with other players.
4. Please do not leave telling others to follow you
5. Please stay active and help players when they need help
6. Please do not scam or hack other players
7. Please do not use any types of hacks or glitch
8. Please treat everyone evenly.
9. cater to dreads every need :o <---- # 1 RULE

Rule for girls: Be at least remotely hot ^^ really need a girl to ease awkwards for the one girl in our clan
