I hate people who can not play

this clan damn son of a ***** S.V.U has only 4 members 4 ****ing idiots who must have another account much higher than these patents criaum clan son of a ***** like this aimbot for wearing in the room think z8games nen ought to look like an idiot replay deveriade this ban as soon as these 4 *******s hate people who can not play uses hack pra advantage of people make a clan with 4 people pra harm to more players wanting to play what it is I think a bunch of loser would was die and is not among people who want to play normally GM please look at the noob clan of them and see if it can come in with another account just to screw people's lives and this the guy they have other accounts and only the best who are unable to enter because they are noobs do not know how to play without hack program without stupid d are a bunch more ******ed sorry I have to express myself I am very nervous about it.
