Z8games should sell crossfire

Z8games has clearly brought this game to hell. They did a good job a long time ago, but ever since the new game mods took over, the game just plummeted. Here are the major problems that I see:

1) Hackers- yeah, we all know this game has a lot of hackers. It's such an easy fix which is the sad thing. theres always going to be cheaters and stuff like that, but honestly, if cf takes its mound of cash that it collects from zp, they should AT LEAST install a better hacking system. Either that, or they should close off international gamers from playing. We all know that the majority of the cheaters come from Egypt and Brasil. What I don't get is why they are playing NORTH AMERICAN CROSSFIRE. Clearly they never play on the servers that were made for there region, but can't they just transfer all accounts to another crossfire in their region? I mean there already is a Brazilian crossfire, just make them play on there..

2) minor bugs/stupid glitches- This game has the most bugs and glitches. the webpage is absolutely horrible and completely unfriendly to the players. For instance, I tried to leave my clan today, but I can't cause theres no more "leave clan" button. I mean come on.. thats a freaking webpage error. get off your ass and fix it! Instead though, the fat ass that runs this game just collects all the revenue for himself and shoves it up his big ugly ass. If he spent a little time into fixing the game, it would be a lot better. And secondly, theres sooooooooooooo many bugs in the game. SO MANY. various glitches that never gets patched, and other minor bugs that if they just took the time to analyze and fix, it would make the game so much better.

3)too many zp crates/premium offers so they can eat your money- its absurd to me that a lot of people by so much zp in this game. I'm not insulting you or anything because its your money and i don't care, but when I bought zp, I was hoping that the game would get a little better you know? but no, they just add more zp crates and zp offers that just makes us want to spend for zp. Not only that, they put up those VIP items which are freaking awesome, but cost over 100$ ?!??!! like thats an alarm right there. Out of the many people who spent money on those zp offers, the company or owner should have made tons of money in which they probably did. But did any of it actually go into game mechanics or hacking prevention updates? OF COURSE NOT. How about a wild guess on? Well I did some research that the z8games webpage, not the games, but the webpage makes about 200 dollars plus everyday. when you calculate that, its 1400$ a week, and even about 5,600$ a month! thats pretty good. I'm sure that the company has to pay for the website too but still, they're going to have some profit. Well, to answer the question above, the money goes straight into getting users to buy more in give nothing back. See, z8games keeps adding zp crates and VIP's now just so you can guys can spend more zp. I mean, whens the last new gp crate that came out? its the that stupid beretta pistol huh? Ever since that one gp crate came out, a whole new page of zp crates came to the market, and not a single new gp crate. These are all key elements that the game is scamming you, and giving nothing back now.

3) Scamming- On top of all the things I said, there is yet more BS in this game! For those veteran users who remember when axe was permanent in the coupons, and when you can resort to it to redeem yourself because you didn't win that zp crate gun, you remember that good old coupon market right? Of course you do! I mean who wouldn't.. Steadily over the months though, z8 games started to put temporary items on their now.. it used to be almost all permanent except for the first 3 or 4 offers. Thats right.. you would've saved up and got like a permanent axe! but now, they got rid of the axe, and replaced it with some stupid temporary item. Why do they do this? because they know that you want that permanent item at the top of the list.. they know you want that golden ak or awm or whatever.. so they get you to spend more on zp crates, give you complete crap, and finally get that awm golden that you always wanted or whatever it is.

Of course there are may more reasons that I can go on and on about how this game is bad... but i think i've made my point clear. Z8games doesn't care for this game, and neither do the people that run it. They need to get rid of the game and sell it to a company who treats people like you and me with respect when we put money in the game. I mean hell, its your money, don't let the GM tell you they can't fix the problem when you pay them, don't let them get the better of you by putting up for zp guns. Lets face it, this game has horrific graphics now that are completely outdated, and ton of other things. What I'm trying to say is that the community who cares for this game, which there is very little of, needs to try to convince z8games to let the game go into another company, or take better care of its customers.

IGN: Frostblue.
(if this gets deleted, i'll post it again, and again, on multiple accounts cause lets face it, mods don't know how to IP ban. lmao, im a right?)


  • It'll be a shame if a Mod deleted this thread xD

    Pretty sure we all know about this and making a thread ain't gon do anything. Face it, nothing is perfect, other versions don't even have perm coupons Weps..
  • Should they "sell CrossFire" is none of your business, nor will it ever be. This is an absurd suggestion.

    Everything you're complaining about and "describing" here has been done so, countless times. There is no point to bring forth these known problems. We're all well aware, and most importantly - so are the GMs.
    (if this gets deleted, i'll post it again, and again, on multiple accounts cause lets face it, mods don't know how to IP ban. lmao, im a right?)
    As if continuing to create these pointless threads will change anything, or speed up anything, right? But of course if you're willing to sacrifice your own time in order to continue a pointless trend, I have no further comment.
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