1Ø1*PitBullz Recruiting! If looking for a clan, this is rank 2625 going up FAST!

1Ø1*PitBullz are recruiting! Rank 2625 at the moment, and going up the ranks fast! 12 members at the moment, still looking to fill a second lieutenant slot... High ranks will be welcomed heartily, but will accept most ranks! Need a k/d ratio of 1.20 or higher, but if you think you have what it takes without the k/d ratio, I'm more than happy to play a couple of games and see what your made off! If applying, please mention that you joined because you saw this advertisement :)
Hackers found in the clan will be kicked, and then reported with replay footage. Same applies to malicious and/ or rude comments. We are a clean clan, and don't need hacks to get good scores.
Clan link is here: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=48145

*HybriD__ (Leader)
Don't PM me, 'cos I don't even know how to read them ;) Try to catch me in game.