So... what do you think?

Yes... I think it's pretty much sexest to have ZP for a girl charactor. (SPOP: Whateva)
Yes... I think it's pretty much racist to have a certain skin for ZP.
Infact, you may think: "Omg, what a noob." It's true. If you don't like the truth, then call me noob.

So yeah, in other words. ZPZPZPZPZPZPZPZPZPZP is great. But ZPZPZPZPZPZPZP for some of the things are absouletly furociously, brilliantly, pathectically, Racismsexist.

Other thang:
Did you know that less people hack for the sake of it.
Most people hack because they are simply rubbish at the game anywayz.
So... if you think people are hacking.. think before you kick yo'!
/Cheers, Heypeople*

I love you all.

P.S go to! WOOHOO! Wink wink.
