How to deal with the hacker issue as of August 06th, 2014

For the months, Crossfire has been experiencing an uncomfortable money making- cheating to win game. As a player who has been playing this game since 2010, i believe i have reached a solution to the "Hacker" issue.
Here are my ideas:
1) How about you change the minimal rank to join "North America 1-5" and even the "UK 1-5" to "First LT."
The reason why you should do this is because majority of the hackers are low rank and it's safe to say that these people will always be in the category of low rank. (Other than the players of the previous server name: Echo 8) Where would they go? well since players are only allowed to make up to 3 accounts per IP then the "Rookie Server should be the only server available to them because nobody is using it and it's pointless of having that server if it only has less than 10 people. However that does not resolve the hacker issue does it? Well what the moderators that play this game should do is hire people who have special accesses to the rookie server (I for one would love to volunteer and monitor the rookie server and be able to kick hackers or even BAN them from the rooms) By doing this, the hackers will be stuck all in one server and have no place to go because at that point, nobody would even make it to "First LT"
(As for the people who play in Echo 8 and UK 5 these are professional and more experienced players, these servers should be left alone or have a list of people who currently are inside the server and only allowed in the server)

What effects will this have on the game itself?
Well if i were to place myself a cheaters perspective, i would not have a place to go and i would simply quit crossfire and move onto another game where i would be allowed to cheat in or so-forth.
In conclusion for my first idea, there may be some flaws to it but by gathering and placing all the cheaters into one room, you will be able to see who is cheating and be able to ban them on the spot. See how that works?

2) Refrain low ranks from getting the "Crystal crates" or even raise the shotguns in the item shop to a higher rank so low ranks cannot purchase it. (A money making idea for this is to make all the shot guns in the item shop cost ZP 1200 for 7days and boom the company will make money easily that way)

Since hackers shoot through walls with their shotguns, why not stop them by disabling them from getting the shotguns? they won't be able to shoot through walls now and 1hit everyone across the map now will they? Cheaters have an option called "No spread" which allows them to shoot one round from a Shotgun compiling it into one shot which basically results the same as if you were in close quarters with a player (yes that sounds like a mouth full but that's how the hack actually works)

For now, these are only SOME of my ideas, i wish that the moderators that look at this section inform other mods and for GM's which have higher ranks and more power (Maybe they do im just assuming) to even take a look at this. These are my ideas and i want feedback to whoever reads this. If you spot any flaws please let me know so i can address a solution.
Thank you for your time

Sincerely: Dreary


  • Read the entire thing love the ideas don't think gms will do it but can be hopeful :D
  • It makes too much sense that it couldn't happen.

    Agree with it though 110%.
  • Unless you rank restrict the low rank rooms so higher rank players can't join them, I think for at least the NA server, this won't work. UK4 is heavily used, but the NA version doesn't even have it's Staff Seargent channel half full. It's an interesting idea, and might work for the UK servers though.

    As for restricting crystal weapons by rank I'm on board with triangle sure. I also thin the Kriss could use an ammo reduction to 35 rounds, as it makes the BM versions pointless to spin for.

    I also wonder, is it possible to just kick players who have third party software interacting with the game? I'm not in any way a programmer or coder, but it's a thought I had.

    On a similar note, with hack detection wouldn't it be possible, to instead of detecting the hacks themselves, detect how the hacks are actually used on maps? For example, shooting through walls. You could make it so if a dense object is between the two players, it would give the Waller an error. Obviously you'd have to be able to account for lag a bit with this, so the system couldn't be super sensitive, but most hackers are rather unintelligent and blatant in their use of hacks. This idea wouldn't work for every hack, but could cover a lot of them, and if we remove enough of the hacks then hackers may lose enjoyment from playing with less hacks. This would hopefully cause a number of them to quit, and make the remaining ones easier to play against.

    Little off topic, but y'know, anti-hacking thread.
  • Ouros_dono wrote: »
    Unless you rank restrict the low rank rooms so higher rank players can't join them, I think for at least the NA server, this won't work. UK4 is heavily used, but the NA version doesn't even have it's Staff Seargent channel half full. It's an interesting idea, and might work for the UK servers though.

    As for restricting crystal weapons by rank I'm on board with triangle sure. I also thin the Kriss could use an ammo reduction to 35 rounds, as it makes the BM versions pointless to spin for.

    I also wonder, is it possible to just kick players who have third party software interacting with the game? I'm not in any way a programmer or coder, but it's a thought I had.

    On a similar note, with hack detection wouldn't it be possible, to instead of detecting the hacks themselves, detect how the hacks are actually used on maps? For example, shooting through walls. You could make it so if a dense object is between the two players, it would give the Waller an error. Obviously you'd have to be able to account for lag a bit with this, so the system couldn't be super sensitive, but most hackers are rather unintelligent and blatant in their use of hacks. This idea wouldn't work for every hack, but could cover a lot of them, and if we remove enough of the hacks then hackers may lose enjoyment from playing with less hacks. This would hopefully cause a number of them to quit, and make the remaining ones easier to play against.

    Little off topic, but y'know, anti-hacking thread.

    I love your response but I would like to reply to each section seperatley (bit weird I know but just like to add some extra thoughts on to this!)
    Ouros_dono wrote: »
    Unless you rank restrict the low rank rooms so higher rank players can't join them, I think for at least the NA server, this won't work. UK4 is heavily used, but the NA version doesn't even have it's Staff Seargent channel half full. It's an interesting idea, and might work for the UK servers though.

    I was think on tiered ranked rooms like as of right now perhaps have something like this

    Rookie Server (Leave as is) Trainee - Corporal
    UK 1 - Sergeant - Master Sergeant
    UK 2 - Second Lieutenant - Captain
    UK 3 - Major - Marshall
    UK 4 - Staff Sergeant - Marshall (Leave as is)
    UK 5 - Trainee - Marshall (Anything Goes)

    I understand it isn't perfect maybe some adjustments need to be made to my idea but I think it would make the skill gaps tighter but also allowing one of the 6 available servers open just in case you want to play with your friends who might not be able to join based on rank...I'm not completely confident with this but it the way i see it you will find matches closer to your skill level and it will stop high ranks coming in and completely pwning lower ranked players (apart from UK 5) but its just an idea.

    Other Cons to this would be alt accounts/hackers but in a situation where there are lower amounts of hackers and restrictions in place via some kind of unique hardware id system it would make for more fair play and give users the ability to play at there own pace perhaps.
    Ouros_dono wrote: »
    As for restricting crystal weapons by rank I'm on board with triangle sure. I also thin the Kriss could use an ammo reduction to 35 rounds, as it makes the BM versions pointless to spin for.

    Although I agree with this, it gives players a chance who may not be able to drop ridiculous amounts of money to try out some of the best weapons in the game and use them in competing against players who were lucky enough to win them or at least purchase them, again this is supporting the idea of fair play.
    Ouros_dono wrote: »
    I also wonder, is it possible to just kick players who have third party software interacting with the game? I'm not in any way a programmer or coder, but it's a thought I had.

    I think that is already in place, since I cannot use any recording software with this game, including ***ory, MSI afterburner, Raptr & Open Broadcaster, I can use Open broadcaster but I get some weird visual errors on the playback, I also saw a thread were the game would close it self if skype was running while playing. But it needs to find away around blocking hack injectors and stuff which i am sure would close them selves down anyway once the code has been placed into the game files.

    Also this section includes a question, how do you guys record/stream your game sessions in real time (not by using save replays) as I would really like to stream this live without visual bugs so when people are accusing me of hacking I can point them to my livestream as proof and also to show off a little ; )
    Ouros_dono wrote: »
    On a similar note, with hack detection wouldn't it be possible, to instead of detecting the hacks themselves, detect how the hacks are actually used on maps? For example, shooting through walls. You could make it so if a dense object is between the two players, it would give the Waller an error. Obviously you'd have to be able to account for lag a bit with this, so the system couldn't be super sensitive, but most hackers are rather unintelligent and blatant in their use of hacks. This idea wouldn't work for every hack, but could cover a lot of them, and if we remove enough of the hacks then hackers may lose enjoyment from playing with less hacks. This would hopefully cause a number of them to quit, and make the remaining ones easier to play against.

    I had a similar thought approach to you, with the dense object but my thought line was leading more down the road of this :

    Are the building and objects in the game that you aren't meant to be able to shoot through actually hardcoded in a way where they are unshootable objects? Or are the hacks that enable this kind of dirty trickery make the objects/building etc shootable (struggling to find terminology here so I apologies but I hope you understand what I mean)

    Anyway if we can at least make the hacks "less enjoyable" as you put it then it would definitely help. But our thought line if implemented somehow would at least reduce wall shooting hacking lol

    Ouros_dono wrote: »
    Little off topic, but y'know, anti-hacking thread.

    It is all relevant lol.