im gonna build a crossfire website

hi im lubu im gonna use my ipb board and make a crossfire site for clans to use and to chat/shout and to find members for there clans here are some of the things u will see at this site. note srry for my spelling

1. each clan will get a section for there clan with clan logo that only there clan members can see and only they can mod and take control of.
2.i will setup ustream/stickam/ pages for clans that want to live stream there scrims
3. we will have our own youtube like script witch lets members post there videos on the website to share.
4.there will be an ad banner script that clans can buy advertise spots on the site so they can advertise there clan to recurit members witch we can setup for like $1.00 for 1 weeks of advertisement or what ever the site picks for a price and how long and PLus this advertise $$$ will be used to pay for the website bill's more cool mods for the site and a lottery drawing system witch the winners will get ZP with the advertise $$ the site makes.
5.the members will choice the website domain name. and many more things to come here is one of my sites as an exsample of how it could look like google d2tc its second link if u guys like the idea and will support me i will take down my d2tc site and use that to build the new crossfire clan site that clan members can use to find scrims members and to chat.

and i want real answers back plz and if this goes threw we will get a big vent and make room for each clan and give u admin to ur channels ect... tell me what u guys think.
