
I have already said that I'm on season work, well in my free time I read newspapers. Yesterday I was chatting with my neighbour over FB when he said to me that I should check one of croatian newspapers over the internet. When I got there I was suprised by seeing my brother in law there.


He went fishing with his father and few friends after work. Somewhere around the morning he though his pole got stuck but after few moments he realised that it was fish!

He cought catfish 2.07 meeters in size and 73 kg in weight.

He has been fishing since he was a kid and never cought something big as this one, if I remember right
biggest fish before this had around 12 kg.

As long as I know him he went fishing almost every weekend except when he was
too busy.

Hoping pays of as long you are willing to keep pushing or as in this situation, willing to swing pole for years :)
