My Big Suggestions List

So, I had a few ideas that I thought might improve the game. Give me some feedback on them if you can.

1. Expanded Friends List Purchase- Heard a few people talk about having limited room on their friends list. This could be similar to how you can add more members to a clan, you would have a ZP item that expands your friend list.

2. Tweaks to the Kick Vote System- While I think this system is necessary to the operation of the game, I think that it's heavily abused, and doesn't really do much to get hackers kicked in most situations. A few changes could be made to help improve this:

A. Take away the vast majority needing to win for a vote to go through. It's frustrating that you need so many votes over the majority of the people in the room for a vote to go through. I think that the direct majority of the votes should decide the kick. If it's a tie, then the kick shouldn't go through, unless a second vote is started on the same player in that round. Then a tie should result in them being kicked.

B. More voting power for players. I think certain factors (owning the honorable ribbon, veteran ribbon, rank, and so on) should give players more voting power. A more experienced player is likely to make better decisions in a vote. So give the players who are likely to be better in a vote, carry a higher weight in that vote.

C. Not voting should not equal a vote against. If a player abstains from voting, they simply should not be tallied into the voting process at all. If a player doesn't hit F11, they are automatically put on the list to vote against a kick. A lot of people who play this may not speak English, or at least not very well, and may not understand how the vote process works. Not voting should not equal an F12.

D. Remove the function to kick near the end of a round. This is mostly abused in modes that are not team based, like FFA matches for example. Make it so that in a timed match, that you wouldn't be able kick for a period of time before the round ends, and in a match to a set number of kills, that you wouldn't be able to kick a player who is over a certain number of kills near that quota.

E. Ace cannot be kicked by second or third place player in certain rounds. Again, this mainly pertains to FFA, and probably HMX as well. A player in second or third place is likely to try to kick the person above them to gain their spot. The player in third place shouldn't be able to kick the second place player as well.

F. If a kick vote is successful, the player who initiated the vote shouldn't be limited, and should still have the ability to kick vote. I would think the main reason for limiting votes to one a round, is so that a player can't try to spam kick another player until it goes through. If a person actually successfully kicks a hacker, they shouldn't be limited and should still retain their ability to kick.

3. Weapon Trading- This has been suggested many times, and has had very mixed feedback. A lot of players think that the ability to trade items would be a big boost to the game. Most of the negative feedback is that Z8 will never do it for various reasons. If this system is properly designed, it would be a big boost for players, and Z8 as well.

Only certain items would be able to be traded. No VIP trading, no basic GP market trading. The only weapons players would be allowed to trade are Coupon, BM, and Slaughter Ticket weapons. Here is how the trading system would work:

First off, you'll need to make it so that if a player account is stolen, weapons can't be traded from their account. A player would need to be above a certain rank, and a player who has been inactive for a long enough period of time (say a month or so) would have to wait another period of time after they became reactive to start trading. A player would also have to register the PC they play on for trading. They would still be able to play on any PC, but would only be able to trade from the PC that they have trading set up on, and would have to unregister that PC and register a new one (with another waiting period) in order to trade on a new PC. This helps to prevent account theft solely to trade weaponry.

The next breakdown is the actual market where people would trade. Not every item would be able to be traded for another. Players would list weaponry for trade, and what they are looking for in return on two different markets. Each market has a scale. There would be two markets, each with types of weaponry on it:

A. Basic Market (yeah, that name sucks): GP crate weaponry and current coupon weaponry would be in this market. So anything in a GP crate could be traded for either another GP crate weapon, or a coupon weapon that is currently available for purchase, and vice versa.

B. Advanced Market (yeah, this name sucks too): ZP crate, Slaughter Ticket, and coupon weaponry that is no longer in the coupon mall could be traded on this market.

So Z8 can make a profit margin off this, we'd have to charge ZP for each transaction. Each player would have to pay 10K ZP per transaction on the Basic Market, and 20 ZP per transaction on the Advanced Market. To anyone who would complain about paying ZP to trade, just remember that Crossfire is a business, and is in business to make money. A new system like this would have to be profitable enough for them to invest in, otherwise they wouldn't really want to make the effort.

If either player wants, they would be able to undo the transaction within 14 days. The player who decides to undo the trade would forfeit the ZP they spent on it, however the if a player is involved in a cancelled trade they did not initiate, they would have their ZP refunded.

I feel this would be a huge boost for the game, as their are many players (collectors especially) who would be able to trade items they have copies of for items that are no longer currently in the game, or an item from they have given up attempting to get. In my opinion, this would be a great system for Z8 to implement that would draw back some of the older players. It also seems like a great way to generate profit from content that is already in the game, and would be a system that would be unique to this version (take THAT, BP mall!).

Anyway, thanks for reading, unless you just skipped to the last sentence. Then you should probably go back a bit.


  • The vote kick modifiying suggestions are really brilliant, and would actually help a lot in my opinion.

    The only thing i disagree is just the vote kick at last rounds block.
    I think it would be of no use because the kicks that would be applied in those rounds would just shift to the rounds immediately previous to those when the vote kick wouldn't be possible to apply.

    For the rest, really great suggestions and a big +1 from me.
  • Darfein wrote: »
    The vote kick modifiying suggestions are really brilliant, and would actually help a lot in my opinion.

    The only thing i disagree is just the vote kick at last rounds block.
    I think it would be of no use because the kicks that would be applied in those rounds would just shift to the rounds immediately previous to those when the vote kick wouldn't be possible to apply.

    For the rest, really great suggestions and a big +1 from me.

    That suggestion was mainly for TD rounds, where you only get one kick. It wouldn't be as useful in a lot of others, though.
  • 1 - I really don't think we need a bigger friends list, I think it is big enough as it is.

    A - I think that would get even more abused as everyone would just F11 for the hell of it and before you know it, you are kicked.

    B - Agreed

    C - Agreed

    D - What if a hacker or some kind of cheat joins towards the last few rounds, you just let him fly by while you can do nothing?

    E - Sorry but this is silly, especially if he is a hacker again.

    F - So if the vote went through, a guy who randomly kicks gets another chance to kick?

    A&B - Yeah I will just agree with this.

    Some good ideas, every idea will have some kind of flaw in it but an idea is better than nothing.
  • Truecore wrote: »
    1 - I really don't think we need a bigger friends list, I think it is big enough as it is.

    A - I think that would get even more abused as everyone would just F11 for the hell of it and before you know it, you are kicked.

    B - Agreed

    C - Agreed

    D - What if a hacker or some kind of cheat joins towards the last few rounds, you just let him fly by while you can do nothing?

    E - Sorry but this is silly, especially if he is a hacker again.

    F - So if the vote went through, a guy who randomly kicks gets another chance to kick?

    A&B - Yeah I will just agree with this.

    Some good ideas, every idea will have some kind of flaw in it but an idea is better than nothing.

    Let me further explain my reasoning for the suggestions you have doubts about.

    A. A lot of times hackers don't get kicked even though the majority vote says they should. In a lot of public games, even getting a vote started is hard enough, let alone getting, in a full room, ten votes for yes. This idea isn't as essential if some of my other ideas for the vote system can be implemented, but I still think would be helpful. If it ends up resulting in too many unfair kicks, it could always be removed though.

    D. This function would only be for modes that players are self reliant in, and don't have technical teams. So basically, FFA and Mutation modes. The vote block wouldn't be very long, like a minute or so in a 12 minute match, and perhaps 30 seconds in a five minute match. It would only be the last few kills in matches that go to a set kill amount. I find that the majority of times (this mainly pertains to my experience in FFA matches) the number one player is kicked by the number two player at the very end of the match so they can steal the spot. This system is meant to prevent that. Honestly, if a hacker joined in the last minute, or the last four or five kills for the Ace in the match, I don't think that amount of time would typically be enough to kick the majority of them anyway.

    E. Again, this idea only pertains to FFA and Mutation. It's the same basic premise as the other idea, where people often kick the player above them to steal their spot on the rankings.

    That's the basic thought process I was going on for this. If you've got any suggestions for improvement I'd like to hear them. I figure the better we can make these ideas, the more likely they'll get attention.
  • Well I can't think of many suggestions at the top of my head but maybe some kind of lending system in Crossfire.

    The lending system will be restricted to a level so that players can't just go on an alt account and just make his life easier. When or if someone decides to lend a VIP weapon, all bonuses shall be removed until the weapon is given back to the owner.

    I also think that if someone decides to lend a weapon, the damage will be slightly decreased giving them the feeling that they would want to purchase the weapon to do the actual damage to the players and have a better playing experience. Maybe users can lend items every week and depending on the weapon they lend, it will have a week to cooldown (That includes duplicated weapons) before you can lend that weapon again.
  • Ouros_dono wrote: »
    ...If it ends up resulting in too many unfair kicks, it could always be removed though.
    Adding the vote system to FFA/Mutation modes resulted in far more kicks of legitimate players than hackers and it was never removed.

    The number of yes votes it takes is already too low especially when there are fewer than 10 people in the room. The problem is not the number of votes it takes but that people would rather kick a legitimate player than a hacker, lowering the number of votes would only result in further abuse. As well it shouldn't be the players' responsibility to police the game, the reason there are so many hackers is not simply that people won't kick them but that the developers won't provide anti-cheat software to the publishers that actually works.

    I will agree with your suggestion however to restrict who can use the kick vote system, someone who doesn't have an honorable soldier ribbon(removed for hacking) should not even have access to the kick vote system. As well I'd like to see a rank restriction of SSGT or higher.

    As for not voting, anyone who has played this game for at least an hour can see how much the kick vote system is abused. I should not have to hit F12 15 times in a single game for my "NO" vote to be counted. Not voting should remain a "NO" vote.

    As for removing the kick vote option near the end of a game, it sounds like a good idea but people would just figure out when their last opportunity to start a vote would be and they'll do it then, such a change would likely make very little if any impact on vote abuse.
  • For now I would stick to vote kick tweaks A) and B).
    There are plenty of kicking as there has always been and this could maybe change things around.
    As of point A) I think it would be good to change vote kicks like that because it is simmilar
    to current vote system.
    Since kicking would be easier in most cases, players would have to move around more trough rooms,
    channels and servers to find their place and make new friends to survive.
    I think that with this option players will have to chat more and host their own rooms and
    take care of their own rooms like a real hosts in some other games/time to pick up paper and pencil or open notepad and write down "good" and "bad" player names as Santa xD
    I would give it a try for a few months to see how it would work out, I'm sure vote kicks % would jump up but eventually players would play with others they like and that would reduce vote kick % drastically.

    In point B) I would remove ranks from that list just because farming is possible. Ribbons would work great as there are probably more ribbons planed for how long your acc is "alive" but as devs didn't tweak kick votes depending on "honorable solider" ribbon, question is can they connect those ribbons with game engine in that way.
  • After reading a few of the comments, I had an idea about the vote system in general.

    Since I'm not an experienced player at all modes, I couldn't really guess what would be most effective for this, but a thought I've had after reading these posts is that perhaps the main flaw about the kick system is that it's the same system for every type of round.

    The vote system is abused in a lot of different ways on a lot of different rounds. Instead of having one uniform standard for how it works, I think it would probably be a good idea to take some of the ideas I've mentioned, and make the kick requirements for each round a bit different. For example, I find that needing at least 10 votes to make a kick work in a TD match usually results in a hacker not being kicked. This system however, might not work in other matches, like FFA for example.

    If anyone has any thoughts on how a different round format vote system could work, or just feedback in general leave some more comments. Don't let mah thread die! Y'know, yet.