Change how to Kick Vote

There is a major flaw on how the kick vote system works. The issue is that when you do not vote, the system will automaticlly vote you to not kick (F12).
The current system needs to be changed to only count those who vote.

Another issue I would like to have changed is changing the keys used to vote.

Current vote kick options
Kick = F11
No kick = F12

Suggested vote kick option
Kick = Y
No Kick = N

I believe if we were to change the keys used to vote, it might help players better understand how to kick a player. Y would equal Yes to kick while N would equal No to not kick. Using Y or N would help with the language barrier that we currently face.

I know many people that have a hard time understanding how to use the kick vote system and some dont even know where the F11 or F12 keys are.


  • As dumb as this sounds to a person who understands the kick system, it honestly probably might help a little bit. Especially for people first starting.
  • Yes because if you don't want to kick a player out the room by pressing the F11 button then you want them to stay.

    There is every reason in the world to die as the last player i.e to stop defusing to vote for a hacker but there is no reason I would stop defusing to F12 all the bogus kick ones sees. The presumption is innocence and that is a universal thing even in courts.

    It's not hard and it's not a valid argument that people miss the voting or don't know how to vote:

    When a vote is issued a large box shows on the screen that gives you the options and information to partake in voting.

    When you leave a game it says kick voting in the menu.

    Kick voting is explained in the controls in options.

    People always spam F11 99.9% of the time.

    It might be easier to get rid of hackers if every single kick is allowed because only f11's count and only one or two people f12 someone but it won't help because people will still f12 the hacker and will f11 or not f12 the legit, why would they?
  • Mathaholic wrote: »
    Y- Yes
    N- No
    I- I don't really care

    I = Ignore. Ignoring your kick box, voting everything:p