Vote kick system abuse ban - yay or nay?

Hello dear fellow CrossFire players (except to the ones who abuse the vote kick system).
I know the vote kick system is useful, however I feel like it is doing more harm than good. I'll tell you how; vote kick just kicks off players from a game, that's it. It does nothing to thwart hackers, so far it is just a system used by incompetent players to kick off those who are better than them, the same players that complain about hackers and cheats (most of them who end up being legit) and yet they don't save a replay and report. I feel like it's time for z8 to review this system and change some few things around so it still remains in place, but stops being a pain in the backside for legit players who end up doing better than some.
One way to do this can be by limiting the times a player can vote kick during a day? Or having at least two people vote kicking the same person for the actual vote to go ahead? Or banning the players who abuse this system from using it again for a period of time? These are just ideas, but I think they'll be of benefit to this game.
I'm unsure whether this is the correct place to create this thread, for which I apologize if it's not.


  • I agree with the limit of vote kicks per day. if you vote kick abuse, you should get limited to 3 a day, or perhaps 0.
  • I get kicked for being a pinger all the time lool. Funny thing is there is CF UK, not sure why those players do not play there instead of the NA server.
  • I agree with the limit of vote kicks per day. if you vote kick abuse, you should get limited to 3 a day, or perhaps 0.

    I agree, there has to be a limit, otherwise the vote kick system is going to keep getting abused.
  • JackyCN wrote: »
    I get kicked for being a pinger all the time lool. Funny thing is there is CF UK, not sure why those players do not play there instead of the NA server.

    Exactly, people kick for stupid things like you playing better than them, or having a lower ping than them, it's quite awful and unfair for those who actually want to have fun.
  • Dear Sin1sTeR

    How can you see if the player is abusing it or not?
    What if player_1 is new in this game and thinks that player_2 is cheating .
    Should player_1 be punished for not knowing that player_2 is just "good"?

    Also the thread is not in the correct section, it should be removed to the "Suggestions forums".

    All the best, Robotics Club.
  • I haven't seen someone new try to kick someone else, and besides it comes down to basic knowledge, obviously there isn't a "best player", there are those who are better than someone and those who aren't as good as someone. I wouldn't kick someone who was better than me or try to get someone else to kick them. Besides, it's quite obvious when someone is hacking considering 99% of CrossFire hacks are the ones that let people shoot through walls or speedhack. But anyways, thank you for letting me know which is the correct sub-forum to create a suggestions thread. :)
  • Yes vote kick is totally misused at present and there is no doubt about that. Limiting and punishing players that abuse it would be a start.

    If you think about it any game with a decent community and a vote kick shouldn't have any hackers at all because you can kick them, easily.

    The trouble is these noobs hate skill and only hate hackers when they are getting hacked on.
    Forumer999 wrote: »
    Dear Sin1sTeR

    How can you see if the player is abusing it or not?
    What if player_1 is new in this game and thinks that player_2 is cheating .
    Should player_1 be punished for not knowing that player_2 is just "good"?

    Also the thread is not in the correct section, it should be removed to the "Suggestions forums".

    All the best, Robotics Club.

    Yes they should be punished it's not hard to tell someone is hacking at all and they shouldn't kick if they don't know - that is logic.

    You have to be a complete idiot that deserves no voting rights if you cannot tell someone getting all gold headshots is hacking nor the same for:

    No reload
    Knifing across the map
    teleporting etc
  • I would rather see [GM]'s enforce kick vote system we already have and make players pick valid reason why they are kicking other player, if not there goes kick on 10 minutes so they can't join another room cuz of false kicking. I would add in "others" option some text box where players could write a reason they kick and it get shown to whole room or just [GM] that is currently in same room/channel lobby.
  • We dont need a limitation, just increase the percentage at wich a player will be kicked.
    When 16 people are in the room, and 9 guys agree and 7 disagree it is not enough to kick the guy. But 10/6 is already enough. It should be like 12/4 at least to kick someone. Because so many times people will just be kicked because they are at the first place in FFA or something like that.
  • This option is hard to implement, even to discuss.
    If we limit the daily vote kick, hacking rampange will be even worst (you cannot kick them more often).
    If we increase the minimum "F11" from 10 to 12, is more then enough for their eggy internet cafe friends to vote "F12" and allow the hacker to stay.
    The best solution is the responsible company(s) to start do serious work regarding hackers, and players stop buying zp to show them whos the boss here, at least until they do some more permanent work.
    Got reports from 2010 and now this hackers are marshals lol
  • Koloss345 wrote: »
    We dont need a limitation, just increase the percentage at wich a player will be kicked.
    When 16 people are in the room, and 9 guys agree and 7 disagree it is not enough to kick the guy. But 10/6 is already enough. It should be like 12/4 at least to kick someone. Because so many times people will just be kicked because they are at the first place in FFA or something like that.

    Dear Koloss345

    I have to disagree, making it from 10 to 12 will only make it worse.
    I don't know about you guys, but when I kick a hacker, I have to kick him twice to make the kick-vote approved. Its hard to get 10 "F11's", 12 would be harder.

    All the best, Robotics Club.
  • people should get 'MATURE',solution to all problems.
  • They need to make it limited to a room, as people often keep rejoining until they kick out the desired player...
    These things also often happen in wave mode ... opposing clan gets a low char on your side then keeps feeding and kicking on purpose until he kicks you and everyone opposing team cant beat.
    I mean how low can you go...
    EliteCrew clan are quite familliar with this type of strategy for getting their wins.
  • oh please with a fu.ckload of hackers in this game, the votekick system is the single most effective way of ****** the hackers. I might agree with a system in which GM's take a look at those who get kicked a lot, since a majority of them are hackers. Sadly I doubt there is a kick-counting system. BTW, most players can tell if someone is a hacker or a pro. Even if some noobs want to kick pros, they succeed very very rarely, in my experience. So stop whining, unless you want cf to suck even more.
  • First off I'm almost 100% sure the OP is from and living in Egypt lmfao

    The kick vote is fine the way it is, if you feel like you've been getting kicked too much I think it's about time to leave. It's not like you're missing anything, since you can't even play right? ...
  • Calchu1992 wrote: »
    oh please with a fu.ckload of hackers in this game, the votekick system is the single most effective way of ****** the hackers. I might agree with a system in which GM's take a look at those who get kicked a lot, since a majority of them are hackers. Sadly I doubt there is a kick-counting system. BTW, most players can tell if someone is a hacker or a pro. Even if some noobs want to kick pros, they succeed very very rarely, in my experience. So stop whining, unless you want cf to suck even more.

    Well enjoy your hack free gaming.
  • I agree with the limit of vote kicks per day. if you vote kick abuse, you should get limited to 3 a day, or perhaps 0.
    Would be an excellent idea, but we can't pretend hackers aren't prevalent still.
  • I am having a difficult time deciding who is worse, Hackers or Hackusaters.

    Got kicked by high ranks because I ended up going on a very lucky yet awesome spree, I could see how this could be seen as "hacking" as lets face it in this game if you happen to get so much as 1 measley headshot you are obviously a super mega wally aim speed bot... But cmon You guys are higher ranks, you should be able to tell skill from hacks apart at this point... I reckon they just kicked me as they didnt like a lower rank doing better than them for one round on s&d...
  • Sin1sTeR wrote: »
    It does nothing to thwart hackers.
    One way to do this can be by limiting the times a player can vote kick during a day?
    Or having at least two people vote kicking the same person for the actual vote to go ahead?
    Or banning the players who abuse this system from using it again for a period of time?

    Yes, it does. It's the only system we as players have to get rid of cheaters, and as long as people like to cheat, we'll need something to get rid of them.

    No. There is a limit per room, which of course isn't particularly difficult to override, but sometimes it takes 5 votes to get rid of a cheater, and suddenly you can't kick another cheater for the rest of the day? Doesn't seem fair.

    Two initiators would thwart the lone kick-abuser, but that is seldom the case. Usually you join a room, someone dislikes you and suddenly half the room hates you. Two people to initiate a vote at that point isn't stopping abuse at all.

    There's no way there are going to be bans for vote kick abuse, because you could very well be PMing someone obscenities or teamnading or whatever - vote kicking isn't JUST for cheaters, and it's impossible to see chat and such in a replay - thus abuse is often impossible to prove.

    Think that's all..
  • [MOD]dot wrote: »
    Yes, it does. It's the only system we as players have to get rid of cheaters, and as long as people like to cheat, we'll need something to get rid of them.

    I accept that in principal but it goes against logic when you see over and over again kicks of hackers denied and legits are the ones ones going through.

    It also not quite true when you have 2-6 cheaters per room either.

    Kick voting is useful on occasion and it is our only protection but it doesn't work most of the time.

    It never will whilst the community loves and hates hackers at the same time depending on which team they are on.
  • Atheistic wrote: »
    I accept that in principal but it goes against logic when you see over and over again kicks of hackers denied and legits are the ones ones going through.

    It also not quite true when you have 2-6 cheaters per room either.

    Kick voting is useful on occasion and it is our only protection but it doesn't work most of the time.

    It never will whilst the community loves and hates hackers at the same time depending on which team they are on.
    The kick system does what it's supposed to, kick a user out of the room if there is a majority for it.
    People abusing it is a people issue, which probably won't be solved until we have a proper social/language-barrier breakthrough or nobody ever cheats.

    I really don't believe in punishment for kicking someone who wasn't cheating; first, because there are more reasons to kick someone than cheating, and second because there are 16 people in that room interpreting the situation differently.
    I can tell if someone is cheating, but if it's just me and that cheater meeting and everyone else somewhere else on the map, odds are slim that someone would believe me.
    And I could be lying, but someone on the accused teams believing me - suddenly he's kicking someone for no reason. Abuse, technically. Impossible to punish him for, believing a lie.
  • [MOD]dot wrote: »
    The kick system does what it's supposed to, kick a user out of the room if there is a majority for it.
    People abusing it is a people issue, which probably won't be solved until we have a proper social/language-barrier breakthrough or nobody ever cheats.

    TBH I don't think it's the players at all. I think this game is just designed to bring the worst out in players.

    I play other games where there is exactly the same vote kicking but you would be hard pressed to see one all day if you played for 24 hours non stop, in fact you'll only see 1-2 a week at most and they'll be denied.

    That is because I believe the game is simply designed better, it makes players work as a team and cooperate together to win. It also has kick voting available but not in your face and it has far less hackers and no built in spam features where you can "sway the vote" with stupid macros.

    It also has better quality players and they can usually understand English too.
  • First off I'm almost 100% sure the OP is from and living in Egypt lmfao

    The kick vote is fine the way it is, if you feel like you've been getting kicked too much I think it's about time to leave. It's not like you're missing anything, since you can't even play right? ...

    Actually, OP is from England. You're probably one of those who kicks people who are better than you, right?
  • Sin1sTeR wrote: »
    Actually, OP is from England. You're probably one of those who kicks people who are better than you, right?

    Yes he said so in another thread.
  • There are always flaws, people could just say that they are limited by not wanting to kick a person like, say a hacker. Find a way to fix that
  • I'll be honest, I really want to see rage kickers being punished for dishonesty and kicking legit players, but I can see this causing further problems down the line.

    Lets picture that this system is already in place. We see players sending in tickets to report the kick abuse as per usual. But there's one issue, how we are really going to know if that player who abused kicked you really did abuse it or if he/she actually thought you were hacking from their point of view. There would be too many factors to consider such as the kicker's ping (lag spikes may make it seem like other players are hacking), the messages the kicker typed or if he/she typed no message. There wouldn't be anything conclusive to go with.

    TL:DR version, if a system was in place it would be difficult to prove who was rage kicking and someone whom thought they were kicking for the right reasons.

    It would be nice to at least get the exp/gp/crate rewards you would of got prior being kicked. This way at least honest players and those whom don't get a lot of time on their hands will at least feel rewarded for at least playing by the book and it's not like a hacker is going to do much with the gains anyway since they will get banned at some point.
  • Forumer999 wrote: »
    Dear Sin1sTeR

    How can you see if the player is abusing it or not?
    What if player_1 is new in this game and thinks that player_2 is cheating .
    Should player_1 be punished for not knowing that player_2 is just "good"?

    Also the thread is not in the correct section, it should be removed to the "Suggestions forums".

    All the best, Robotics Club.

    Dear Forumer999
    What if Forumer_1 is new and he doesn't know the right place to post his thread,should Forumer999 punish him =D

    when a massage appears o on your sceen telling you that you've been kicked,accept the fact that there were 10 or more players wanted you to leave the room.Deal with that and get used to it.
  • Sin1sTeR wrote: »
    Actually, OP is from England. You're probably one of those who kicks people who are better than you, right?

    No you're not from England, I'm sure of it. I've seen you one time with 50-70 ping. If you are may God bless your soul because you clearly don't know British English and seem to go by the American English that Egyptians use.

    Despite what atheistic said I kick the players who in choose to kick. Players that annoy me, kick players just for fun. If I were to kick people better than me I'd me kicking a few of my friends... Let me remind you that the kick vote isn't ONLY for kicking cheaters, therefore I am not abusing it.

    CBA to take the screenshot, but next time you press the kick vote button and you click on someone's name it asks you to give a reason. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure "Other" is an option. Kicking people who I feel like kicking falls into that category. If I were asked to kick a random player just to let my mates in, I'd do it. I don't see anything wrong with playing with friends at the expense of someone half way across the globe.

    Again, kick vote is fine. Don't like it? Feel free to uninstall :)