Guardian Recruiting!

Rank: 4696
Guardian is a fairly new GM clan, with a ton of really skilled players. We mainly play ghost mode, but we do some SnD as well. We have a positive win ratio, we clan war every day, and we have a ton of active members. If you want to have a fun time, while still maintaining the serious aspect of playing crossfire, then you should definitely check us out!

- Speak English
- Positive KD
- Mic/Ts3 or Mumble
- Be active
- Ping under 100 in NA servers, or under 150 in UK servers
- Can you bhop/pinpoint?

- No cheating, glitching, or hacking of any kind
- No mouthing off to fellow clan players
- Just be an overall nice person
- Have fun, but be mature. We want a good rep.
- No extremely loud guns in ghost mode, it hurts everyone's ears and is unethical

