Suggestion 2 devs to improve GM playability

I have copied suggestion from other thread talking about loud guns because I think it is good idea and it could help all ghost mode players in all cf versions. I don't play other versions so I don't know if something like that is added in other versions but I highly doubt cuz I think devs moved to Shadow mode and left ghost mode as it is but I think that isnt reason to leave ghost mode die so here it is, my suggestion:

Simple solution would be that devs make item that reduces gun sound and cap it so GR don't have advantage or even better make item that will reduce distance from wich you can hear other GR's shooting, something like those "headphones" construction people have so they don't get deaf while working with loud machinery another perk would be that we wouldnt have to tweak our EQ's every time we want to play ghost mode. I have heard few cases where people got slightly deaf by playing cf so this would stop that occuring in the future. I think there shouldn't be problem to make one of those since there is something simmilar in shadow mode.

EDIT: I think there should be rank restriction on that item because some skilled players make new accounts so
it wouldn't be fair for new players that just start to play GM. I think Captain rank would fit good because its enough time
to get good at GM if player is playing GM most of time and I think it would be good at that rank to slightly make it easier for them. I think most of captains play on higher rank servers so it wouldn't have impact on rookies.
Major rank (if player didn't farm) mostly have sympathy for lower rank so it would fit them even better.

It would be good if devs could make item restriction like guns restriction list when creating new map/room so that host can
decide if ghost mode accessories would be on/off, that way we would be able to bypass rank restriction on "headphones item". Accessories switch would turn on or off all ghost mode items, just to make it clear.


  • I will reserve this post so I can post aditional ideas i come up in the future to improve ghost mode.
  • +1! We need this especially because of AKs and shotguns.
    stane031 wrote: »
    I have heard few cases where people got slightly deaf by playing cf so this would stop that occuring in the future.

    Please refer me to the source of this "fact." I've never heard of anyone who got "slightly deaf" from playing any FPS. Or if this was a story you heard, refer me to the person?
  • I wont refer to anyone because its not my job to interfere other persons who didnt gave me aproval. There will always be people who don't have money for quality headphones so they are pushing sound volume to high. Other games don't have modes like ghost mode where players rely strictly on sound tho you can pp in every fps. As I said I have heard few cases where those same players who push volume to high got slightly deaf and thats what I heard from them. You seem like you play ghost mode and dont tell me that ak47 spray next to you doesn't drive you crazy. Now imagine how people who push volume up or use sound EQ feel when the same happens to them. Normal reaction is to reduce sound but im sure there are players obsesed with ghost mode and what is going on at that time that they dont realise its hurting their ears.
    I'm not saying that its z8's fault nor I'm blaming or acusing anyone, I'm just saying there is way to help players to not hurt themselves while playing ghost mode just so they can be better at it.