every one kick me for no reason

I have psg dragon it kills so faast in sniper matches every one kicks me for no reason thinking I hack what should I do to not be kicked I am realy bored from being kicked at the end of s&d atleast give me gp and exp when I be kicked plzzz


  • I hate this kick vote system! A good Anti-Cheat software vs. the Kick Vote System...
  • AcerAMD wrote: »
    I hate this kick vote system! A good Anti-Cheat software vs. the Kick Vote System...


    I am the victim of kick vote system... hate playing :S
  • Same here bud,enjoyed playing 20 + mins on a map and at the end you get kicked and your time and score all wasted...these people are like Monkeys they don't want others to see progressing and they steal your pos. stupid kidos man.

  • Neal7 wrote: »
    Same here bud,enjoyed playing 20 + mins on a map and at the end you get kicked and your time and score all wasted...these people are like Monkeys they don't want others to see progressing and they steal your pos. stupid kidos man.


    I feel all of you guys. I hardly get kicked. Only certain times I get kicked for having a really awesome game. But if I do get kicked, it's usually by an Egy.
    This Vote Kick system is practically useless. The only times that it isn't useless is when you're in a pub with all low pings, pro players and such and then this hacking egypt comes on and then BAM they're kicked on the spot. But very rarely do you go into a non pub and see that happen.

    I know this has been said many times, but i'll bring it up again. The money that we spend towards their company is to program and build a better anti hack system. Wargaming has one of the best anti hack systems (in my opinion) that i've ever seen. World of Tanks, World of Warplanes and soon to have World of Warships. Are the top games in the world because of the reliability that company is and how caring they are for the community that supports them. Their community gives and the company gives back by providing a game that is promised 100% hack free and playable.

    Z8Games should be the same. They only take take take. They need to give give give back to the community instead of just taking our money. It takes money to earn money, I get that. But it's also a Give and Take. We give, but you only take. You give back to us also by providing this game to be alot better, more stable and rid of these hackers.
  • ^ yes,it was some noob who died and when he left,he initiated the kick.The need to bring some change in kick system bcz most of the people will always press f11 even if you don't hack,they will kick you for fun and that ruined the fun of many players.