Please Remove Kriss FB And Make The BlackMarket Easy And ZM Ticket


1-Please Remove Kriss Red C FB It's HarmFull To Us In S&D All Spray With It Now No One Need To Buy ZP And Play In BlackMarket ZP Now There Kriss And Noobs Spray With It Damge The Game Make It Not Fair You Can Change It i Know That You Put It In FB For ZM Mode [New Map] You Can Change It To Another Weap Please Accept My First Request.

2-Please Make The BlackMarket ZP OR GP Easy Not Hard I Buy Alot Of ZP And Nothing :( So You Can Check It In My Account Information And ZM Ticket Too May Be Hard So Why I Bug ZP And At The Last I Lose I Love ZP And I Will Buy But I Fail At Last.

Please Accept My Request.

Thank You.