Patch Notes - Devastated City - July 17, 2014
You must be smart as the camel on my avatar.
Acually I'm stupider than ur camel are u smarter than me? I'm a retired Santa and thanks for event after I get this ribbon than 12 more clan war to get credit to the clan than 1 more maybe the soldier hmx ribbon( question it has to be at least 6 players?) -
Acually I'm stupider than ur camel are u smarter than me? I'm a retired Santa and thanks for event after I get this ribbon than 12 more clan war to get credit to the clan than 1 more maybe the soldier hmx ribbon( question it has to be at least 6 players?)
Yeah atleast 6 players -
Thank You for a nice event even if i only won intrusion coins which I received yesterday. Even if I do not win a ribbon or dragon crates for whatever reason it is not a big deal. I had fun killing that atlas character 22 times. Plus I killed that character more times after the event was over. Thank you Z8 for adding this zombie level. I look forward to the time you introduce Blaze and the hard mode soon for this particular level.
We North American players appreciate the hard work even if we receive everything last. We Americans are a patient lot.
I am also looking for another zombie event soon, so keep up the good work. -
Thank You for a nice event even if i only won intrusion coins which I received yesterday. Even if I do not win a ribbon or dragon crates for whatever reason it is not a big deal. I had fun killing that atlas character 22 times. Plus I killed that character more times after the event was over. Thank you Z8 for adding this zombie level. I look forward to the time you introduce Blaze and the hard mode soon for this particular level.
We North American players appreciate the hard work even if we receive everything last. We Americans are a patient lot.
I am also looking for another zombie event soon, so keep up the good work.
Send a support ticket man. -
mohamed1998u wrote: »Juice Box i want to know when would that 2nd update that contains the hellfire and xmas crates come out cuz i've purchased ZP and w8ing for about 2days, that's boring abit so please answer me.
P.S : dont tell me "SOON"
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