How to plant/defuse
Welcome guys to my second tutorial. The first tutorial didn't go so well as much of u may have suspected ( youmadbro? And some others )
Today I am going to teach u how to defuse/ plant. Enjoy
1) approach the super duper explosive thing that will blow up ur house (how to know if its the c4 - if it looks really dangerous like a c4 and is glowing with a picture of a c4 changing colors in ur eyes))
2) Carefully take out the screwdriver
3) Open the c4
4) look at all the colorful wires
5) now close the box once u see the rainbow
6) once u close make sure u have remember the number line
7) now press in the password to defuse the c4
8) pass 6571
9) if that doesn't work make sure to use ur "finger" and put on hue keyboard and press "e"
10) HOLD it down until it saids mission success
How to Plant
1) approach the magical red glowing circle on the floor
2) make sure no one is following u ( u will go to jail )
3) press in the number - 4187
4) it that doesn't work right click and HOLD until it plants
5) most importAntly do not stand there RUn for ur life.
6) make sure u camp and when u see someone make sure it's not ur teammate. When ur done camping and someone is defusing make sure to SPRAY like me last night.
Hope this Tutorial helped u guy join me for my next tutorial on how to snipe
Make sure to check out my how to shoot tutorial below
Oh no!!! Forgot mod dot told me this is a discuss anything thread sigh~ another infraction point
Today I am going to teach u how to defuse/ plant. Enjoy
1) approach the super duper explosive thing that will blow up ur house (how to know if its the c4 - if it looks really dangerous like a c4 and is glowing with a picture of a c4 changing colors in ur eyes))
2) Carefully take out the screwdriver
3) Open the c4
4) look at all the colorful wires
5) now close the box once u see the rainbow
6) once u close make sure u have remember the number line
7) now press in the password to defuse the c4
8) pass 6571
9) if that doesn't work make sure to use ur "finger" and put on hue keyboard and press "e"
10) HOLD it down until it saids mission success
How to Plant
1) approach the magical red glowing circle on the floor
2) make sure no one is following u ( u will go to jail )
3) press in the number - 4187
4) it that doesn't work right click and HOLD until it plants
5) most importAntly do not stand there RUn for ur life.
6) make sure u camp and when u see someone make sure it's not ur teammate. When ur done camping and someone is defusing make sure to SPRAY like me last night.
Hope this Tutorial helped u guy join me for my next tutorial on how to snipe
Make sure to check out my how to shoot tutorial below
Oh no!!! Forgot mod dot told me this is a discuss anything thread sigh~ another infraction point
![:( :(](
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