Disappointment and a few ways to improve

I used to really enjoy cross fire, and havent been able to play for few months. I came back few days ago and so many changes i was amazed, but as long i keep play as more i keep getting disappointed. SO many hackers in this game that from fun game it turned into nerve killing game. I think game modes even not watching those hackers. Most of the players doesnt even know how to report a hacker including me. I dont really feel like playing this game anymore, because it is not fun anymore with 5-6 hackers in one game . From skill contest it turned into hack contest. who has best hack he wins. People even refuse to kick them, because hackers help them win.
Some of my suggestions are:

1) Investigate every player that has been kicked from a game, especially low ranked players.
2) Try to find connection between accounts, meaning some pro players open new account and uses hack. If player caught hacking ban his account.
3) Open server for players who never caught hacking (will lower numbers of hackers).
4) Admins should act more strict, otherwise it will keep going to happen.
5) Player should register his cell-phone number to account, which may decrease numbers of accounts per person.

This things may be hard to do or very hard to do, but Z8games is responsible for what is happening in the game. Some players (Me) really got tired of such a treatment. I wish you guys could take this little more seriously. I am not even sure if this my effort will have any effect.


  • 1. A lot of legit players get kicked from rooms because friends want to play with other friends, or clan mates are trying to get other clan mates into the room. Most of the time its just a hackusation.
    2. The only way to really find a "connection" between accounts is usually by looking at the IP address. But I guess I am not really sure if z8 has the ability to ban an IP.
    3. I can already tell you that mods are going to say that there is a distinct server for higher ranks who are usually legit. Or they are going to say "play with friends".
    4.Don't really know what you mean by acting more strict.
    5. No
  • 1) True but at least checking low ranked players that get kicked may reveal hakers, i know that most high ranked pro players also get kicked.
    2) banning IP address is not necessary. Need to ban accounts.
    3) I dont mean sever for high ranks, but server for players that never have used hak.
    4) By acting more strict i mean not just ban for a few day/week and unban account, but ban forever.
    5) "NO" isnt an option. registering cell-phone number to account must be required.
  • The hacking situation could be solved (almost in an instant), it's just nobody cares:p