A Big question for the GM's from a little person.

I was wondering if it was possible to add a special feature for players who don't hack and will never hack,bug and such in crossfire and make them unbanable . Because it just gets to me that players that are noble get kick for being accused of hacking,bug and such. And if they do abuse it then you guys can ip ban them, You'll gain more good people who would join this game then hackers making them quit the game. Thats some feature I would most definitely purchase.


  • a system like this is being considered, but it is a big undertaking to install and enforce.
  • When i mean unbanable i meant that person wouldnt be able to get kicked from games.
    also They can be tested first
  • I see so in-game the "noble" person won't be able to get kicked.

    indeed if you can do this it will help ALOT

    but what do you consider a "noble" person who never hacks doesn' try to scam or anything

    setting up the standard of it will be very difficult and maybe the "hacker" will try to act really friendly and everything so he can become the "noble" person and the kicking system cannot harm them only GMs can

    but if CF staff can pull this off; it will help the CF community EXPONENTIALLY.

    good luck to CF staff
  • Well the other people on the opposite side of the team can still save replays and stuff , So if they get caught hacking in anyways then they will be ip banned and account deletion , which means they have to get a different network provider and pay some more to give it a another shot and not get caught on a new account.

    I think that would drive people like them out of this game cause some and i always report abusers cuz i enjoy this game and would like to help out the best i can to make it a legit multi player game.

    -_-" I just hate getting kicked by negativity people when im finally owning all of them lol
    Such a waste time of my non-existing exp QQ
  • I get kicked for "hacking" a bit to much lately and seeing so many more. :( Think they can change the hacking prevention system to something else and maybe the hacks will stop for awhile till they adapt to the new and change again?