
Hi z8, Im a loyalty player of crossfire. i recently won Barrett M82A1 from the black market and i was super happy cuz it took me like 200+ crates to get it. but i found out really quick that this barrett has been weaked in MM/HM/HMX. I'm chinese and i used to play cf china. the barrett was with its really power in MM/HM/HMX. I think you guys did this might for fair game, but its not a fair game already. Hakers everywhere and you can think this way. I think not even 5% cf player own the barrett in this game. also the barrett gun's reload and draw speed is slow as hell. and its heavy. so i dont think its unfair to give it full power in MM/HM/HMX. if you dont kill the mutant in 1 or 2 shots, they will get you cuz they run faster. So i really want that you guys can resume its real power and i believe there will be no hurt for other players. we paid the money for this so we want to experience the real power of it. Please think about it. Thank you!