Dear suKoOG,
My super computer chip was just executing some commands whilst I noticed player doop51 mentioned "Robotics Club", although I no longer belong to the group. I immediately abandoned my hash decrypting work outs on images and noticed that you have broken a rule on the forums.
According to Z8Games Community Forum Rules 2.0 a thread like this is not allowed. Here is the following rule you have broken.- Do not make threads directed at one specific user or staff member. (please use Private Messages, if their inbox is full then wait for an opportunity)
I would like you to take your time out to notice what you have done. Further threads like this will result in my automatic report system function to kick in. -
ErickBHFTL wrote: »wow..... Me and my friends were there. **** was crazy.
That **** was crazy. I knew like 3-4 guys who lost all together over 1b at that point in time ( which was significantly higher than it is now). **** was insane. Thank god I only lived in Edge to be #1 Zerker pure NA.
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