Well Done, Z8

I've bought 30 days of Group D package just because there shows Gold Mask on it, but after I check my storage I saw it gave me regular one; http://i.imgur.com/qmOlEeP.png <- As seen here, it shows Gold Mask in the picture but instead of I've got this; http://i.imgur.com/hSQdKXu.png

And then, I contacted to support to refund my 9500 GP back, here's the results;

Ironic. I don't remember buying the Flash Protector or Rifle Mag with reading their descriptions and do I have to read their descriptions? It shows Gold Mask in the picture so I'm supposed to get "Gold Mask" not the "regular one"

And now if I follow this logic, on the description of m4 Crystal it says it has silencer; http://i.imgur.com/XlzAV2x.png

So I'm waiting my m4-crystal to become silenced.

Also, in the BM Armsel Striker shows it has 12/36 Ammo; http://i.imgur.com/oOKgRpa.png

But in fact it has 12/24

Now I bet that's why we don't get Web Mall Update. Lots of new items has been introduced such as; Fox, Commando Characters - Lots of cosmetic stuff - Almost the whole "Items" Tab with the newest WM items.

Nice marketing huh?
