XTrap Error 08-0400-00000000-509 and 510
Attention Mercenaries!
We have just applied an XTrap fix for the following issues that players were experiencing:
X-Trap error 08-0400-00000000-510, tool name: ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll. Experienced when using Windows Vista.
X-Trap error 08-0400-00000000-509, tool name: aspnet_counters.dll. Experienced when using Windows XP
If you continue to experience these same error codes, please submit a support ticket, so that we can again re-examine the issue.
Thank you.
We have just applied an XTrap fix for the following issues that players were experiencing:
X-Trap error 08-0400-00000000-510, tool name: ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll. Experienced when using Windows Vista.
X-Trap error 08-0400-00000000-509, tool name: aspnet_counters.dll. Experienced when using Windows XP
If you continue to experience these same error codes, please submit a support ticket, so that we can again re-examine the issue.
Thank you.
[GM]Juicebox wrote: »Attention Mercenaries!
We have just applied an XTrap fix for the following issues that players were experiencing:
X-Trap error 08-0400-00000000-510, tool name: ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll. Experienced when using Windows Vista.
X-Trap error 08-0400-00000000-509, tool name: aspnet_counters.dll. Experienced when using Windows XP
If you continue to experience these same error codes, please submit a support ticket, so that we can again re-examine the issue.
Thank you.
-Trap error 08-0400-00000000-510, tool name: ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll. Experienced when using Windows Vista. This error is now fixed without change the file name thanks you guys!
Thanks you for all,
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