Peace out. had to join the hype

Due to personal conflicts and reasons, kinda have to step out of the game. Was fun for the time I was around esp FGLAN. Good luck errone

@acegaming: Req -> computer

TBH all quitting threads are just shoutout posts soooooo here we go.

KANZEN: KAPN 2EZ S2PID KEBABJI YEARN you mothafckas. Greatest team in CF.

Mini, slant, w0tip: Swag

Alvin: You deleted me off fb.

Exempt: You guys were probably some of the lamest guys around, but you guys are mad chill. Whoever is still around, good luck

Drel: big lips af. Blue laminate life

Slaya: Premed buuuuuuuuad. Stay classy.

Dellzor: ADC warrior, good at league sucks at CF 2-24

Saidin: Nice meeting you @FG LAN, keep doing what you're doing, don't mix up cheques and you'll be good.

FG Jon: Howl. l0l

Tori: Hope all is well, should've made it to china but w.e

Doop: Dirtybomb

Jordan: Due to some mishaps, friendship is kinda rocky but been playing with isnipefast since 09 fuse. One of my goodiest friends online and i hope all goes well for you and ace gaming.

Andrew: One of the other goodiest friends online, you suck dck @league and more on this game. Good luck taking yo creatine for dat waterweight.

Jamie: One of the nicest ****s in the game, let me know about escapades if things work out. Hella chill and only laos guy I know. Good luck, website lookin good.

Roth and Pete: Good luck, sht really hit the fan.

Sauce & Leapy: MIA

Erick: One of the other goodiest friends online, way to start a war. wcyd

Reid, Kyle, Thornz, cWiller: keep at it, you guys are getting better, hope to see how you guys do @lan (if you go)

Masood: Come back to my life pls.

Verm: eurooo


cu@ Bridle Path

Honorable Mentions:
Anyone i played with ever. Shoutout to A7

Good luck I'll leave you with a quote:
"Slowly, very slowly, like two unhurried compass needles, the feet turned towards the right; north, north-east, east, south-east, south, south-south-west; then paused, and, after a few seconds, turned as unhurriedly back towards the left. South-south-west, south, south-east, east. …"
Figure out what classic that's from.

2CUTE: Holy sht i forgot you LOL MY BAD. Plays on a Macbook @ an internet cafe. Kid is a god

Mateus: We ruined a WCG cast. oops

Fresh: Kid is nuts, really good at the game, bring charlie bk.

Fany: You have an ugly af tattoo. Kong Wing Duck

EDIT: SYUstx2.jpg?1
