WaveMode BUG?!

First sorry for bad english.
And i want only know,if I have a Wavemode bug.
My problem is,that i spend more as 150 cards in wave mode to have one of my 3 Cards(all +9) to +10 ,and it always fails. I have always spend it with a Stab (= more as 150 stabs for nothing). And i want know is this a Bug or normal,because my friends got his cards with 2-10 cards always +10. And me nothing... !

Yesterday i wanted to have a card+10 and spend a another card,and it was loading,then the screen was frozed. I only had can push cancel ,and I does it ,then I again spend it ,it was again loading and frozen...,then i closed CF and started again,i spend card and fail. What was this?!
I dont know wether it is important,but I think I always spend the Cards in UK Servers.(UK4)

Sorry again for bad english,i have this written very fast and me not good in english. I hope you can understand something :D.

Greets: *[KFC]*