Selling / Buying weapons

i suggest to add Selling / buying system but not like that old ideas

at first : after a special crate disappear Z8 Games can't Earn money from it again or just in Events !

Selling / Buying every weapons BM GP selling for GP and BM Zp selling for Zp .

Ex : some one have Kukri-H x2 and he would sell one , make sure will be good price with 50 or 60 K Zp .. ---> "Every one will win" <--- / who will buy " He Got the Kukri he want" .. who sell "He Got his Zp he want" and Z8 Company they got money from who has bought 60 K ZP and they got money much after that crate Disappeared too ! .. Same with other weapons !

and make a Range Minimum 30K Zp and Maximum 100K Zp

i think Z8 will earn a Crazy money cuz of that !

if some one wanna add anything post reply :P
