Looking for a Scrim & Microphone Clan.

Alright, I am searching for once again - ANOTHER Clan.

Why? Because most clans say that they are active and are a microphone clan only when they arn't.

There never on, and most members don't microphone in a scrim.


I am searching for a clan that does microphone communication ONLY, and use Ventrilo/TeamSpeak or xFire, ect. I want an active clan that does scrims usually - and do pubs together at times.

I want a secure enviornment, meaning no hackers, no glitchers, no QQ's!

If you want me, it comes with some things. (XD!!)

[•] - Mature.
[•] - Don't freak out over a game, or AWESOME shot from another player.

But, I love to laugh.

So, addition - I want a clan that enjoys humour aswell as we play, ect.

If you are interested, or want to check out my file - search it up: Vanika

Leave your clan link below, and tell me how it is. (environment wise, ect.)
