1st LT rank .. looking for a mature/good/strong scrim clan...

IGN: [R]eckoning
KDR: 1.9-2.1
previous clans:- Pubstarz, D1, Goodbye-, Reality, executable and a few more.
(much love n respect to all those clans) i do have my own reasons for leaving, nothing to do with the clans as they are all strong nice decent clans. i wouldn't say no if any of them asked me back however i would need to think about it.

ok so yeah, ive been in a few clans and roughly now im at the point where i find a place where id feel happy when it comes to being a part of a community of players if i dont then i will probably quit crossfire, the only really reason i play this game now is because of the nice people ive met along the way. anyways... im not an easy person to please, so if you dont want to take me on simply because of this fact then thats cool.

the things i ask for when joining are as follows:-

- for most of the community to be 16+
- have strats for S&D maps.
- the use of ventrillo while scriming (team-speak fails)
- for the clan to be very active and talkative.
- for at-least most of the clan to be as good as or better than me.
(i do no im not the best player on the planet however there is a certain skill level i would like to be around.)

as a person i am a very talkative so i like to have a good conversation while playing pubs etc.

hit me up if you want me to try out or w/e
xfire:- 18achilles18

or just reply with your clan link on here :)
thanks for reading.
