Quick FFA tournament this weekend

Hey guys, I got a little bored and decided to make a one day FFA tournament this weekend (most likely Saturday so it does not interfere with ESL, and the default time is tbd). The prize won't be anything big, probably a 10k zp code to the first place winner, as I don't like to spend my money on games, and because this is more of an experimental tournament.

Anyways, back on topic, sign up on this thread with your ign and your usn. Brackets and room information will be adjusted according to how many participants there are (Ideally 10 players per FFA room and the top two, maybe three fraggers from each room move on to the final stage), hopefully there's a lot!

Bandicam/Fraps/Growler must be used as a recording device at 10 fps/10 qual half size as minimum settings. Failure to upload and provide footage may result in a disqualification.

As for guns, this is taken straight off ESG's gun ruleset, and these will be the only guns allowed.

Allowed Weapons (No variants allowed)
• Assault Rifles
➔ AK47
➔ M4A1
➔ Steyr AUG A1
➔ SG552
• Sub machine Guns
➔ MP5
➔ P90
• Sniper Rifles
• Shotguns
➔ XM1014
• Machine Guns
➔ M60
• Pistols
➔ Desert Eagle
➔ Colt 1911
• Melee
➔ Standard Knife
➔ Standard Combat Axe
• Thrown Weapons
➔ Standard frag grenade
➔ Standard smoke grenade
➔ Flash bang

Please be advised that smoke grenades and flash grenades ARE allowed. NO character items are allowed at all, including flash guard, smoke goggles, damage down, and muzzle flames.

Further information will be released in another thread, just sign up for this competition here. I hope to see a lot of participants! This is also my first time hosting anything, so sorry if things go a bit choppy haha.

Current signed up players:

1) Nightmare - 18486610
2) TUKTOYAKTUK - 11058049
3) Proven - 8295336
4) Beast. - 13853080
5) Daniel - 15160813
6) CsK.Topdog - 10053648
7) Baysic - 12907896
8) Rumpy - 17042113
9) -iStrawberry - 19379975
10) Mackavelli - 16947293
11) Andre. - 3181371
12) FaLL - 67842134
13) tsgh.HIEU - 3064657
14) LTM.Felix - 7549951
15) XTS.Zzxq - 5300167
16) .maW - 5617135
17) h0nest - 4082400
18) Fastlikewind - 14721421
19) Sinatra - 17736909
20) Krausbomb1 - 3034952
21) Luminal - 6030154
22) XsL - 16239753
23) cwiller - 8103294
24) Bl - 5482510
25) SHELLEYY. - 8507771
26) .hdoous - 7563368
27) p1mateusz - 9929829
28) eM]Ninja? - 17921903
29) Bad.*_* - 3573571
30) p1mykL - 11790401
31) Wahamma - 5191531
32) [ko] - 3649894
