CrossFire Server Maintenance 2014-05-14
[GM]Juicebox wrote: »**Maintenance Update 2014-05-15 @ 3:35am**
Maintenance has been completed, and game servers are now up.
Thank you everyone for your patience in the matter. If any issues are encountered, please do not hesitate in submitting a support ticket.
stop posting this massage.xYz -
H_annibaLL wrote: »Game not working for me :O -
**Update 2014-05-15 @ 5:20am**
Thank you again for your patience in the matter.
We are aware of the "C_ErrorCode: 14001" issue that some players are experiencing now.
We are looking into the problem, and hope to have a resolution for everyone.
Thank you for your patience. -
[GM]Juicebox wrote: »**Update 2014-05-15 @ 5:20am**
Thank you again for your patience in the matter.
We are aware of the "C_ErrorCode: 14001" issue that some players are experiencing now.
We are looking into the problem, and hope to have a resolution for everyone.
Thank you for your patience.
LOLxYz -
[GM]Juicebox wrote: »**Update 2014-05-15 @ 5:20am**
Thank you again for your patience in the matter.
We are aware of the "C_ErrorCode: 14001" issue that some players are experiencing now.
We are looking into the problem, and hope to have a resolution for everyone.
Thank you for your patience.
Look issue "aspnet perf.dll" on x-trap -
I don't see why everyone is so eager to get their game working; I just logged in, played 8 games and I KID YOU NOT there were 2-4 hackers in EVERY SINGLE ONE. Nice patch, good to see that we can focus on getting rid of hackers and laggers and not reskinning everything.... OH WAIT.
There should be a high ping ban. I have yet to see a hacker below 150 ping. And it'd be so nice if laggers stopped ruining this game. -
^_^ went to bed before servers went up- looks like I'm keeping my 10 bucks.
No bugs for me- hope you all get yours fixed soon. FYI, the new mode is pretty stupid- you just stand there and shoot until your ammo is gone, then switch to melee and knife all around. It counts damage inflicted, but it only awards the person who would actually have gotten the kill. -
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