Jackal leaving Exertus

TLDR: Bye.

So starting from the beginning, I played for Undaunted for like... a month in 2012, and left them before a LAN in March 2013 (For the same reasons I'm leaving/probably being cut now.)

I had recently injured my back to the point where I couldn't lift ****/run anymore, and since I did that 5-6 days a week, and I plenty of time to throw around. I came back to see how Undaunted was doing, maybe scrim a bit just for fun. ESG Sprin Series was a thing at this point. Undaunted had 5 there and said I could sub for ESG, but I wanted to at least get better during that time and break off some of that rust, so I joined the first team who asked me to play for them which was T!TAN, joined them played with them, they're great guys. They knew I was there for that season of ESG and then afterwards I'd be playing with Undaunted.

I had heard about this CFS stuff through x0tek who was ingame leader for Undaunted at the time which was interesting because I knew the amount of time I'd be unable to train would be around the same amount of time leading up to the first Qualifiers for CFS this year. I decided to actually put in the time and get good at the game with the intent of at least placing highly in the CFS Qualifiers and enjoying my time playing overall. Now that being said, I didn't really enjoy my time playing all that much.

At this point I was putting in like a good 4-5 hours of game time a day which is like an hour more than what I'd normally put into training/meal prep. So I was really into it, and I wanted to get really good. After playing with Undaunted and seeing potential in few members of the lineup at the time, we picked up Joe (FASTLIKEWIND), and Reid (x0tek) said he could bring in Jory (JSO). I thought that'd be a really solid lineup, and it is.

After playing matches, scrims, learning from my mistakes and turning into what I'd say is a great consistent player I realized that I get way to emotionally invested in matches and get REALLY ****ing angry when people make mistakes. Angry to the point where I'm literally yelling at people. At this point I knew I was impacting my teammates gameplay, and possibly effecting their opinion of me as a player. Which I'd never want to do. I contemplated leaving for a while and at this point we had just received our Exertus Sponsorship (Pre-Contract). I spoke to the CEO of Exertus and told him I might not stay with the team because of my personal issues, and I told him to keep them on as a sponsored team and to keep supporting them regardless of my decision.

With the consistent behavioral issues, and just not really wanting to get frustrated anymore because of how it effected my teammates I stopped really caring about the game and lost motivation. I was a ******bag for lack of a better word.

Was nice playing with everyone in my short 2 months. My back should be fixed in the next few weeks and I should be able to start training again so I'm going to be dedicating my time to that.

Goodluck to the Exertus lineup, I'm sure they'll find a great replacement for me and I hope they reach the level they strive for.


