Game option

Can you create an option only the host can enable/disable called "Weapon steal". Point of it is that, when enabled, players can pick up each other's guns. (Except VIPs, of course) However, when disabled, players cannot pick up other player's guns. This will lessen the frustration of several players when they positively know that when the option is disabled, no noobs from the other team can take his gun. It's very annoyimg when I tell people to not take it, and they still do. Happens most in wave mode. An option of wave mode rooms like this would be so useful.


  • Can you create an option only the host can enable/disable called "Weapon steal". Point of it is that, when enabled, players can pick up each other's guns. (Except VIPs, of course) However, when disabled, players cannot pick up other player's guns. This will lessen the frustration of several players when they positively know that when the option is disabled, no noobs from the other team can take his gun. It's very annoyimg when I tell people to not take it, and they still do. Happens most in wave mode. An option of wave mode rooms like this would be so useful.

    I'd agree with this suggestion but for a different reason. I don't mind when people steal my gun, it's not a big deal. What bothers me is when a team of rookies spend the whole game picking and dropping guns all over the map, like they're in a candy store or something. Hell, some don't even care about planting/defusing the C4 because of that very reason, I think it's distracting to those people.
  • I laugh so much when i see threads like this...
    Buhuhuuu dont take my weapon noob!!!
    Tell me how old are you? 10?

    Seriously he just picks it up he doesnt steal it from your storage
    When you respawn you still have it unlike with him who gets his weapon again
    And before getting weapons when you were playing with your m16 werent you doing the same thing?
    You didnt ever pick up a golden gun or something?
    And lastly HE KILLED YOU!
    DEAD people CANT use weapons
  • K4ZR4G0R3 wrote: »
    I laugh so much when i see threads like this...
    Buhuhuuu dont take my weapon noob!!!
    Tell me how old are you? 10?

    Seriously he just picks it up he doesnt steal it from your storage
    When you respawn you still have it unlike with him who gets his weapon again
    And before getting weapons when you were playing with your m16 werent you doing the same thing?
    You didnt ever pick up a golden gun or something?
    And lastly HE KILLED YOU!
    DEAD people CANT use weapons

    Yes, i laugh so hard right now.. Damn why he care's anyway about people taking his gun, WHO DINT DO THAT lol... :p:p
  • There are many cases where I want to change my current weapon to another one.
    For example I was using a sniper, but the last guy has <10 HP. I will pick up a rifle.
    Or the exact opposite, I have low HP and the last guy is still unharmed. I will change my current rifle to a sniper (if I find one).

    I also have absolutely nothing against other people using my guns after I got killed.

  • -1
    When people steal your guns, you don't lose GP if they spray it.
    By the way, would we really call this option, "Weapon Steal"?
    It's seems like you're a 10 or 11 year old.
  • Youre already dead, why should you care?
  • That's a special advantage for VIPs , so it should be for VIPs not all guns ...

    and what if I'm sniping then I need to change to a rifle in S&D ?

    sorry -1 :)
  • ThePurv wrote: »
    Youre already dead, why should you care?


    Once you're down, your gun doesn't belong to you anymore until you spawn in a few seconds or in the next round. It's on the ground for a player to potentially pick up and use and you have no control over that. I highly doubt that this feature would be added, as it is a pointless one to begin with anyways.