CrossFire Server Maintenance 2014-04-23
hackers has come back again WTF !!!
hacker name ign : kmcmr
i send 2 replay for this kid data : 23-4-2014 at 15:00 est
what will happend with this game are you realy gonna to clean the game .?
and how i can give hem what he worth .? cuz the report is fail. -
[GM]Juicebox wrote: »
Attention Mercenaries!
We will be having a scheduled maintenance on 2014-04-23 from 5:00pm EDT - 1:00am EDT.
The purpose of this maintenance is two-fold:
The first part will from 5:00pm EDT - 10:00pm EDT.
This will be to migrate and upgrade the backbone for our servers to hopefully deliver more consistent service to everyone. This will however, mean that CrossFire service will be intermittent during this time, and you will most likely experience higher than normal latency and disconnection issues. Please be patient with us.
The second part of the maintenance will start at 10:00pm EDT and the servers will be taken down completely. This should only be around 3 hours.
We will be unlocking the Red Tape weapons, and we will be starting a 50% off sale on selected crates during the second part!
no new weapons only weapons with red tape that must be an idea from an Genius hahaha -
metzgercode4 wrote: »People with small brain love it xD
I love it, Not becouse i dont have a small brain, Well we all got it. But i dont have this sniper yet and wanted to go for it anyway, Now this version come out so why i should spin for the standard one? -
ForumerCR7 wrote: »I love it, Not becouse i dont have a small brain, Well we all got it. But i dont have this sniper yet and wanted to go for it anyway, Now this version come out so why i should spin for the standard one?
well than good luck hope u get it -
forumercr7 wrote: »i love it, not becouse i dont have a small brain, well we all got it. But i dont have this sniper yet and wanted to go for it anyway, now this version come out so why i should spin for the standard one?
lol not because u dont have a small brain????? So u do have a small brain after all!!! Lol!!!! -
ForumerCR7 wrote: »I love it, Not becouse i dont have a small brain, Well we all got it. But i dont have this sniper yet and wanted to go for it anyway, Now this version come out so why i should spin for the standard one?
Why spin for the normal one? lets see..... the normal one is the same thing exept it has 5 less bullets... and u only need 1 shot unless ur realy sh1t at sniping and if u are u shouldnt be sniping in the 1st place...
Paying ZP for a gun thats same as one for GP is just R3T4RD3D!!! -
EdwardPhan90 wrote: »Calm down kid...when we started play this server, u were still using to diaper...
P/S: server is down, hopefully they'll fix the bug in WM also so i'll be able to play it
U mean the diper that in ur mouth right now? Stupid child, u dont even know my age...
And u might be playing the game longer but i guarante il f u up 1v1 any day...
Stupid little tw4t -
EdwardPhan90 wrote: »Calm down kid...when we started play this server, u were still using to diaper...
P/S: server is down, hopefully they'll fix the bug in WM also so i'll be able to play it
U started playing the server???? WHAT O_O... idiot make some sense... -
FruitCuper wrote: »U started playing the server???? WHAT O_O... idiot make some sense...
I report you, This is enough to get your banned i guess.EdwardPhan90 wrote: »Calm down kid...when we started play this server, u were still using to diaper...
P/S: server is down, hopefully they'll fix the bug in WM also so i'll be able to play it
Yes He dont show any form of Respect, becouse i got a diffrent opinion doesnt mean that he cant blame me and dont show respect. But im glad that there are people like you. -
Apparently, when a new re-skin/version of a weapon is introduced, people are going Gaga over it. Just by putting a duct tape (ex.) on its body, kablam! A new weapon. :rolleyes:
But still, thankful for something rather than nothing :P
Anyways, I want that TRG so bad, re-skin or not. ._.
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