Competitive Ruleset Clarifications

Just to clarify @ESG and @ESL

First-party settings that require third-party programs to activate - i.e. shadows, the "beep" noise whenever your crosshair goes over your opponent (stupidly useful for smoke, Brando uses it), 1920 rez. Are these allowed?

Secondly, are third-party programs that do not directly effect the first-party files -- such as gamebooster, WtFast, etc. -- allowed? ESL says "No, because they effect reg", which doesn't really make much sense, other than gamebooster potentially giving you better reg. But, the question remains for ESG -- are they allowed?

I would like an official ruling, rather than "just hope for it, but all we can guarantee is a fresh install will ever be allowed".

Personally, I think "Fresh installations only, no killmarks or killsound changes allowed" would be the best way of going about it, since I doubt in China any of the teams are able to access the game client's files (please, correct me if I'm wrong, those of you who've been to China for this game in recent years). Also, I think that the best ruling you can make for third-party programs is simply "Yes, any program you do not use to intentionally lower FPS".

Just would like to - finally - have an official ruling on these things.

Also, @ESG. Moss is a requirement for ESL, because it makes it so that players cannot fake screenshots, and therefore it removes the possibility of armour. Have you considered using Moss instead of simply making people request screenshots -- in which case they are easily faked (#snitchez)?
