CFS Quals

A few months ago I contacted groups to give my opinion on the benefits of a LAN vs Online for CFS Qualifiers. I have been ignored so I would like to voice my opinion to the public.

Not to bash ESG or ESL for the Online Tournaments but having a LAN for such a big event would be the wises choice.

The advantages of having a LAN qualifiers would be-

1) Larger prizes - With a guaranteed 1st place prize of a free trip to CFS and $5000 in cash, this will open up more teams and players for prizes. All prizes generated from the LAN itself can go towards 2nd place, 3rd place, and so on.

2) Numbers - A big factor in getting players to travel for these types of events are the awards. As said with the above statement, having a prize of going to CFS and other large prizes will help bring more people to the event than just a small cash prize.

3) Control - With all players being at 1 place, it is easier to control and manage how the tournament is ran. With proper setups, games will keep flowing one after another. Any disputes can be done immediately with no delay or having to check logs or videos. To add, it would be highly unlikely anyone would try to cheat in form.

4) Growth - I believe events such as a LAN helps strengthen the community by getting them excited and help bring in new faces to the game. I know a few months before FG LAN, the competitive side of CF was quiet and not as active, but ever since the FG LAN there has been interest from players and organizations to show support for CF.

Let me know what you think.
