We need an fix update.

We need an update fixing all the errors like the hack tool one because this is becoming worse and worse and its started to look like you guys don't care about us because if you really did you would of taken this out faster but right now its still there and its still ruining matches for me because it happens in matches and out of matches which is really dumb to see. I have not seen this help anyone I have only heard people raging about it and I am one of them because this is dumb it was never bad before the Wave Mode update and when you guys were saying that you were trying to make sure the update was playable for everyone I thought you were saying the truth but we all know now that was a lie because if you were trying to make it playable for everyone we would of not had all them missing texture glitches and all these errors.

JUST DO A HOTFIX ( update that is quick and does not add anything just take away the errors of the update that happen ) AND FIX THE GAME BECAUSE THIS IS HORRIBLE!
