Competitive Teams (6 Months ago to now)
Looking at some of my archived history I keep track of I found something I thought would show the community how often our teams really do change. To me this was a big eye opener to see how many teams actually stick together and maybe why those teams have become better.
Here is a look at a teams list I compiled around 6 months ago.
Team Name: akVERGONCIO
Current Roster: FREDOFILO | akCHUKYj | akJESTER- | -Edd. | vASM- | iZm0ky.
Team Name: ASCEND
Current Roster: HotNess | GX | Qi.Xai | Juhee. | michael-drk
Team Name: BMW (Ball Mouse Warriors)
Current Roster: GECKS | Auxilium | Glodia | LazyCr1p* | -Tipsy- | Xerian
Team Name: BurnOut?
Current Roster: 1st][PlaYeR | [T]rikztah.* | [saleh636] | -pRoaBoZeid | Sparttacus
Team Name: Carbon
Current Roster: Brando | [CNS]Demon7 | xfam0usx | Bertman_1g | [CNS]PhanToM
Team Name: CNein
Current Roster: Lance | Handsdown.| Kazumi | rappzelX | Karl? | aiXiu | dFLOWER-
Team Name: Conspire
Current Roster: VIRTUE | DAN | inFate | Aielva. | NizeIt*| JayC. | Sleaze. | Xenocide |
Team Name: CoolDOWN
Current Roster: Samuel. | CHEYNSTOKES | MARVYNN | ImBearySorry | Bloody.exe | Fl0W*
Team Name: CV47
Current Roster: mango | AYCE | w0rthy | HUNGRYBOX | H8BEINGSOBER | ReaNNNN
Team Name: Discrete
Current Roster: Colombian | British | MUSTI | Bust | Burst
Team Name: Dystopia
Current Roster: Nightmare | FluffyNinja | Kiwi?? | .Eon | -[D]_Radio
Team Name: Edge.
Current Roster: *Martin.L | *Smiles | *Hotmail | *tD | *ABin
Current Roster: Theped0Nub| AnotherAzn | HD? | KowerF | iReact | Blowme? | BlitzHD_
Team Name: EscapeArtist
Current Roster: 88werdna | RussianYuri | Roggireck | Cordestian | Turtles | 88bulletz
Team Name: FG.Kanata
Current Roster: BLITZED | Terrorism | MALTE | Ayrin | SaintMalice | Req
Team Name: Flashy
Current Roster: Miracle*Man | Swiftness | HyunHi | STOPTHEARMOR | Youare2ez
Team Name: Flawless
Current Roster: .Bobo* | -Brian. | .Pipo* | y0gi | .5k | *Michelle
Team Name: Fly Society
Current Roster: Andre | Bon | Hieu | Dobboi | Wizzy | Tannnn
Team Name: Fraggers
Curret Roster: Unknown
Team Name: FragStarsX
Current Roster: SHeepBaCoN_ | SmasherX | zedw0w | eeso.H | Yearn.
Team Name: Free Nation
Current Roster: J.Staff | *Korrupt | OsmanOmar | CHAMP | Apex_g | SOYOU
Team Name: GeeGee
Team Name: h1n1
Current Roster: ink3.0 | [kingdonz]. | BlackCat | LeAndree | RemainzZ
Team Name: In theory
Current Roster: Aero | Good2kno | BL | CAK-DGAF | mahmad001
Team Name: Jeden
Current Roster: TwerkNasty | RoyWilliams | UltimatePOV | Banks | Wizdom | Mr.Magic
Current Roster: Unknown
Team Name: MiH (Make It Happen)
Current Roster: .ALVIN. | JAMESEO | Ehran. | Henry | -IPEEZ | Plurf | .Huge | TAEYEONNNNN | Qwerty.
Team Name: Men in Red
Current Roster: Lethal | Saint | jamesdean | [N]Cov. | aR | DT- | -Carry
Team Name: MNWKA (Mishka)
Current Roster: nK.Season | Fresh | thedoop* | 2EASY | nK.w1nter | 2CUTE | nK.Fall
Team Name: Napalm
Current Roster: Dswain | -IKid? |
Team Name: OCG.Undaunted
Former Names: Undaunted | Aftermath
Current Roster: -Zzxq | Thornz. | DAN.D | Hero.* | Solo.Acme | Non-Fiction? | Cwiller
Team Name: PlayteX
Current Roster: y3k0m5. | TORI? | Cassie | Perish? | DystopiaMMIX
Team Name: Pocky
Current Roster: Corporal[C]| HershE | Jobear | Melona | KR33P | Krispy_Kreme | lioceron
Team Name: Prefix
Current Roster: Cant0n | AztcCK- | MAX1MUS. | Hoax? | [SLP]
Team Name: RTB (RaiseTheBar)
Current Roster: x0tek | -LOGIC | 2s1ckk_ | Zamedi- | cNk_7g
Team Name: Sketchy
Current Roster: Rammar12 | _Zach | Potion | Iseeu44 | Cory. | Rocket712
Team Name: Socks
Former Name: VIoo
Current Roster: Jaime. | Pablo.* | Ralf_ | 15oLLLLLLLLL | maveloff | Jkeith2k
Team Name: SprayOPS
Current Roster: lam_fll | SATHY | dreLLa | Ryangi |
Current Roster: Failed | irmantasticc| Proven | NULLIFY | ZILLAH | Juke | xpl0ive_
Team Name: TeamLOSERS
Current Roster: TT | HH | 54 | Mama-Bear |
Team Name: TeCh.PLay
Current Roster: .Espionage | Huy. | [T]Ken. | Ben | .headshotz
Team Name: Wet Bandits
Current Roster: TTERRAG. | Heisenberg1g | Harvey. | ERICK | Minty | Joshwah.
Team Name: YNR
Former Name: winOut
Current Roster: [wO]JaLiickZ | ENRO. | luWii. | Shadie.| lawL-ski.
Team Name: 2k9
Former Names: Mario Kart | SNSD | AihiQQ
Current Roster: NotWotip | Castiel_ | Freedom | Hyomin. | -SLANT | Jynxed. | Stefan502-
Here are some stats regarding these teams:
# of teams that maintained 3 or more of the same players: 6 out of 45
Those teams were: TeamLosers (Trix), Undaunted, Kanata (Ace Gaming), Fly Society, Socks (!nstinct), FSX
I dont have any documented things for Prime or Welfare but I believe they were not as active during the time I made this list, both of the these teams maintained 3 or more players from then until now which would make the statistic (8 out of 47)
# of teams that disband completely: 30 out of 45 (66%)
# of teams that stuck around for 6 months or more: 15 out of 45 (33%)
Number of current teams average in event between now and 6 months ago:
45-47 (Then)
48 (Now)
So pretty similar. CF tends to have 32-64 teams in large scale events.
Out of the 30 teams that disband, 21 new teams now exist consisting of 3 or more players actively competing during the time 6 months ago the list was made.
This means around 32-39 out of the 48 current teams consist primarily of players with more than 6 months of competitive experience, meaning in theory we could have had 32-39 teams that could have maintained 3 players or more over 6 months instead of 7.
This means that out of all the current teams, only 9 teams of the current 48 have a majority of players that have only been competitive less than 6 months.
Why does all of this matter?
Well in my opinion I think the longer you stick with a team, the better you can become and I would say all 8 of the teams with 3 or more of the same players lasting 6 months or more have all improved since this list was made.
Mainly just did it to give a comparison between now and then. I will be making another list this week which I will post later on down the road.
Here is a look at a teams list I compiled around 6 months ago.
Team Name: akVERGONCIO
Current Roster: FREDOFILO | akCHUKYj | akJESTER- | -Edd. | vASM- | iZm0ky.
Team Name: ASCEND
Current Roster: HotNess | GX | Qi.Xai | Juhee. | michael-drk
Team Name: BMW (Ball Mouse Warriors)
Current Roster: GECKS | Auxilium | Glodia | LazyCr1p* | -Tipsy- | Xerian
Team Name: BurnOut?
Current Roster: 1st][PlaYeR | [T]rikztah.* | [saleh636] | -pRoaBoZeid | Sparttacus
Team Name: Carbon
Current Roster: Brando | [CNS]Demon7 | xfam0usx | Bertman_1g | [CNS]PhanToM
Team Name: CNein
Current Roster: Lance | Handsdown.| Kazumi | rappzelX | Karl? | aiXiu | dFLOWER-
Team Name: Conspire
Current Roster: VIRTUE | DAN | inFate | Aielva. | NizeIt*| JayC. | Sleaze. | Xenocide |
Team Name: CoolDOWN
Current Roster: Samuel. | CHEYNSTOKES | MARVYNN | ImBearySorry | Bloody.exe | Fl0W*
Team Name: CV47
Current Roster: mango | AYCE | w0rthy | HUNGRYBOX | H8BEINGSOBER | ReaNNNN
Team Name: Discrete
Current Roster: Colombian | British | MUSTI | Bust | Burst
Team Name: Dystopia
Current Roster: Nightmare | FluffyNinja | Kiwi?? | .Eon | -[D]_Radio
Team Name: Edge.
Current Roster: *Martin.L | *Smiles | *Hotmail | *tD | *ABin
Current Roster: Theped0Nub| AnotherAzn | HD? | KowerF | iReact | Blowme? | BlitzHD_
Team Name: EscapeArtist
Current Roster: 88werdna | RussianYuri | Roggireck | Cordestian | Turtles | 88bulletz
Team Name: FG.Kanata
Current Roster: BLITZED | Terrorism | MALTE | Ayrin | SaintMalice | Req
Team Name: Flashy
Current Roster: Miracle*Man | Swiftness | HyunHi | STOPTHEARMOR | Youare2ez
Team Name: Flawless
Current Roster: .Bobo* | -Brian. | .Pipo* | y0gi | .5k | *Michelle
Team Name: Fly Society
Current Roster: Andre | Bon | Hieu | Dobboi | Wizzy | Tannnn
Team Name: Fraggers
Curret Roster: Unknown
Team Name: FragStarsX
Current Roster: SHeepBaCoN_ | SmasherX | zedw0w | eeso.H | Yearn.
Team Name: Free Nation
Current Roster: J.Staff | *Korrupt | OsmanOmar | CHAMP | Apex_g | SOYOU
Team Name: GeeGee
Team Name: h1n1
Current Roster: ink3.0 | [kingdonz]. | BlackCat | LeAndree | RemainzZ
Team Name: In theory
Current Roster: Aero | Good2kno | BL | CAK-DGAF | mahmad001
Team Name: Jeden
Current Roster: TwerkNasty | RoyWilliams | UltimatePOV | Banks | Wizdom | Mr.Magic
Current Roster: Unknown
Team Name: MiH (Make It Happen)
Current Roster: .ALVIN. | JAMESEO | Ehran. | Henry | -IPEEZ | Plurf | .Huge | TAEYEONNNNN | Qwerty.
Team Name: Men in Red
Current Roster: Lethal | Saint | jamesdean | [N]Cov. | aR | DT- | -Carry
Team Name: MNWKA (Mishka)
Current Roster: nK.Season | Fresh | thedoop* | 2EASY | nK.w1nter | 2CUTE | nK.Fall
Team Name: Napalm
Current Roster: Dswain | -IKid? |
Team Name: OCG.Undaunted
Former Names: Undaunted | Aftermath
Current Roster: -Zzxq | Thornz. | DAN.D | Hero.* | Solo.Acme | Non-Fiction? | Cwiller
Team Name: PlayteX
Current Roster: y3k0m5. | TORI? | Cassie | Perish? | DystopiaMMIX
Team Name: Pocky
Current Roster: Corporal[C]| HershE | Jobear | Melona | KR33P | Krispy_Kreme | lioceron
Team Name: Prefix
Current Roster: Cant0n | AztcCK- | MAX1MUS. | Hoax? | [SLP]
Team Name: RTB (RaiseTheBar)
Current Roster: x0tek | -LOGIC | 2s1ckk_ | Zamedi- | cNk_7g
Team Name: Sketchy
Current Roster: Rammar12 | _Zach | Potion | Iseeu44 | Cory. | Rocket712
Team Name: Socks
Former Name: VIoo
Current Roster: Jaime. | Pablo.* | Ralf_ | 15oLLLLLLLLL | maveloff | Jkeith2k
Team Name: SprayOPS
Current Roster: lam_fll | SATHY | dreLLa | Ryangi |
Current Roster: Failed | irmantasticc| Proven | NULLIFY | ZILLAH | Juke | xpl0ive_
Team Name: TeamLOSERS
Current Roster: TT | HH | 54 | Mama-Bear |
Team Name: TeCh.PLay
Current Roster: .Espionage | Huy. | [T]Ken. | Ben | .headshotz
Team Name: Wet Bandits
Current Roster: TTERRAG. | Heisenberg1g | Harvey. | ERICK | Minty | Joshwah.
Team Name: YNR
Former Name: winOut
Current Roster: [wO]JaLiickZ | ENRO. | luWii. | Shadie.| lawL-ski.
Team Name: 2k9
Former Names: Mario Kart | SNSD | AihiQQ
Current Roster: NotWotip | Castiel_ | Freedom | Hyomin. | -SLANT | Jynxed. | Stefan502-
Here are some stats regarding these teams:
# of teams that maintained 3 or more of the same players: 6 out of 45
Those teams were: TeamLosers (Trix), Undaunted, Kanata (Ace Gaming), Fly Society, Socks (!nstinct), FSX
I dont have any documented things for Prime or Welfare but I believe they were not as active during the time I made this list, both of the these teams maintained 3 or more players from then until now which would make the statistic (8 out of 47)
# of teams that disband completely: 30 out of 45 (66%)
# of teams that stuck around for 6 months or more: 15 out of 45 (33%)
Number of current teams average in event between now and 6 months ago:
45-47 (Then)
48 (Now)
So pretty similar. CF tends to have 32-64 teams in large scale events.
Out of the 30 teams that disband, 21 new teams now exist consisting of 3 or more players actively competing during the time 6 months ago the list was made.
This means around 32-39 out of the 48 current teams consist primarily of players with more than 6 months of competitive experience, meaning in theory we could have had 32-39 teams that could have maintained 3 players or more over 6 months instead of 7.
This means that out of all the current teams, only 9 teams of the current 48 have a majority of players that have only been competitive less than 6 months.
Why does all of this matter?
Well in my opinion I think the longer you stick with a team, the better you can become and I would say all 8 of the teams with 3 or more of the same players lasting 6 months or more have all improved since this list was made.
Mainly just did it to give a comparison between now and then. I will be making another list this week which I will post later on down the road.
Wait, didn't I like, um, carry the **** out of undaunted?
You won't mention my name?
This list was made in 1 day around 6 months ago, this was actually about 2-3 weeks before you joined Undaunted. The list was made right around the end of WCG qualifiers, but before OCG SuperSeries (which is when you joined us) -
This list was made in 1 day around 6 months ago, this was actually about 2-3 weeks before you joined Undaunted. The list was made right around the end of WCG qualifiers, but before OCG SuperSeries (which is when you joined us)
Ok then ******.
I love you Kyle<3. -
Make this thread 6 months from now, Trio will be on your list.
I will be making another one in late summer about 6 months from now. Hope to see you and many more than 8 a teams still around. I was going to do a statistic for any s5 lasting over 6 months, but there was not 1. Ace Gaming was close, but even they lost Terrorism as a starter. -
Next you're going to tell me that LifeLine and Sorry players still roll around in CrossFire, and that Bunz isn't actually dead.
Also, no. I deder than ded.
Comeback2CF Ill give you a cookie.
Wotip will never leave. Neither will blitzed and malte =P
Kahlan to return to CF and join Undaunted. -
Looking at some of my archived history I keep track of I found something I thought would show the community how often our teams really do change. To me this was a big eye opener to see how many teams actually stick together and maybe why those teams have become better.
Here is a look at a teams list I compiled around 6 months ago.
Team Name: akVERGONCIO
Current Roster: FREDOFILO | akCHUKYj | akJESTER- | -Edd. | vASM- | iZm0ky.
Team Name: ASCEND
Current Roster: HotNess | GX | Qi.Xai | Juhee. | michael-drk
Team Name: BMW (Ball Mouse Warriors)
Current Roster: GECKS | Auxilium | Glodia | LazyCr1p* | -Tipsy- | Xerian
Team Name: BurnOut?
Current Roster: 1st][PlaYeR | [T]rikztah.* | [saleh636] | -pRoaBoZeid | Sparttacus
Team Name: Carbon
Current Roster: Brando | [CNS]Demon7 | xfam0usx | Bertman_1g | [CNS]PhanToM
Team Name: CNein
Current Roster: Lance | Handsdown.| Kazumi | rappzelX | Karl? | aiXiu | dFLOWER-
Team Name: Conspire
Current Roster: VIRTUE | DAN | inFate | Aielva. | NizeIt*| JayC. | Sleaze. | Xenocide |
Team Name: CoolDOWN
Current Roster: Samuel. | CHEYNSTOKES | MARVYNN | ImBearySorry | Bloody.exe | Fl0W*
Team Name: CV47
Current Roster: mango | AYCE | w0rthy | HUNGRYBOX | H8BEINGSOBER | ReaNNNN
Team Name: Discrete
Current Roster: Colombian | British | MUSTI | Bust | Burst
Team Name: Dystopia
Current Roster: Nightmare | FluffyNinja | Kiwi?? | .Eon | -[D]_Radio
Team Name: Edge.
Current Roster: *Martin.L | *Smiles | *Hotmail | *tD | *ABin
Current Roster: Theped0Nub| AnotherAzn | HD? | KowerF | iReact | Blowme? | BlitzHD_
Team Name: EscapeArtist
Current Roster: 88werdna | RussianYuri | Roggireck | Cordestian | Turtles | 88bulletz
Team Name: FG.Kanata
Current Roster: BLITZED | Terrorism | MALTE | Ayrin | SaintMalice | Req
Team Name: Flashy
Current Roster: Miracle*Man | Swiftness | HyunHi | STOPTHEARMOR | Youare2ez
Team Name: Flawless
Current Roster: .Bobo* | -Brian. | .Pipo* | y0gi | .5k | *Michelle
Team Name: Fly Society
Current Roster: Andre | Bon | Hieu | Dobboi | Wizzy | Tannnn
Team Name: Fraggers
Curret Roster: Unknown
Team Name: FragStarsX
Current Roster: SHeepBaCoN_ | SmasherX | zedw0w | eeso.H | Yearn.
Team Name: Free Nation
Current Roster: J.Staff | *Korrupt | OsmanOmar | CHAMP | Apex_g | SOYOU
Team Name: GeeGee
Team Name: h1n1
Current Roster: ink3.0 | [kingdonz]. | BlackCat | LeAndree | RemainzZ
Team Name: In theory
Current Roster: Aero | Good2kno | BL | CAK-DGAF | mahmad001
Team Name: Jeden
Current Roster: TwerkNasty | RoyWilliams | UltimatePOV | Banks | Wizdom | Mr.Magic
Current Roster: Unknown
Team Name: MiH (Make It Happen)
Current Roster: .ALVIN. | JAMESEO | Ehran. | Henry | -IPEEZ | Plurf | .Huge | TAEYEONNNNN | Qwerty.
Team Name: Men in Red
Current Roster: Lethal | Saint | jamesdean | [N]Cov. | aR | DT- | -Carry
Team Name: MNWKA (Mishka)
Current Roster: nK.Season | Fresh | thedoop* | 2EASY | nK.w1nter | 2CUTE | nK.Fall
Team Name: Napalm
Current Roster: Dswain | -IKid? |
Team Name: OCG.Undaunted
Former Names: Undaunted | Aftermath
Current Roster: -Zzxq | Thornz. | DAN.D | Hero.* | Solo.Acme | Non-Fiction? | Cwiller
Team Name: PlayteX
Current Roster: y3k0m5. | TORI? | Cassie | Perish? | DystopiaMMIX
Team Name: Pocky
Current Roster: Corporal[C]| HershE | Jobear | Melona | KR33P | Krispy_Kreme | lioceron
Team Name: Prefix
Current Roster: Cant0n | AztcCK- | MAX1MUS. | Hoax? | [SLP]
Team Name: RTB (RaiseTheBar)
Current Roster: x0tek | -LOGIC | 2s1ckk_ | Zamedi- | cNk_7g
Team Name: Sketchy
Current Roster: Rammar12 | _Zach | Potion | Iseeu44 | Cory. | Rocket712
Team Name: Socks
Former Name: VIoo
Current Roster: Jaime. | Pablo.* | Ralf_ | 15oLLLLLLLLL | maveloff | Jkeith2k
Team Name: SprayOPS
Current Roster: lam_fll | SATHY | dreLLa | Ryangi |
Current Roster: Failed | irmantasticc| Proven | NULLIFY | ZILLAH | Juke | xpl0ive_
Team Name: TeamLOSERS
Current Roster: TT | HH | 54 | Mama-Bear |
Team Name: TeCh.PLay
Current Roster: .Espionage | Huy. | [T]Ken. | Ben | .headshotz
Team Name: Wet Bandits
Current Roster: TTERRAG. | Heisenberg1g | Harvey. | ERICK | Minty | Joshwah.
Team Name: YNR
Former Name: winOut
Current Roster: [wO]JaLiickZ | ENRO. | luWii. | Shadie.| lawL-ski.
Team Name: 2k9
Former Names: Mario Kart | SNSD | AihiQQ
Current Roster: NotWotip | Castiel_ | Freedom | Hyomin. | -SLANT | Jynxed. | Stefan502-
Here are some stats regarding these teams:
# of teams that maintained 3 or more of the same players: 6 out of 45
Those teams were: TeamLosers (Trix), Undaunted, Kanata (Ace Gaming), Fly Society, Socks (!nstinct), FSX
I dont have any documented things for Prime or Welfare but I believe they were not as active during the time I made this list, both of the these teams maintained 3 or more players from then until now which would make the statistic (8 out of 47)
# of teams that disband completely: 30 out of 45 (66%)
# of teams that stuck around for 6 months or more: 15 out of 45 (33%)
Number of current teams average in event between now and 6 months ago:
45-47 (Then)
48 (Now)
So pretty similar. CF tends to have 32-64 teams in large scale events.
Out of the 30 teams that disband, 21 new teams now exist consisting of 3 or more players actively competing during the time 6 months ago the list was made.
This means around 32-39 out of the 48 current teams consist primarily of players with more than 6 months of competitive experience, meaning in theory we could have had 32-39 teams that could have maintained 3 players or more over 6 months instead of 7.
This means that out of all the current teams, only 9 teams of the current 48 have a majority of players that have only been competitive less than 6 months.
Why does all of this matter?
Well in my opinion I think the longer you stick with a team, the better you can become and I would say all 8 of the teams with 3 or more of the same players lasting 6 months or more have all improved since this list was made.
Mainly just did it to give a comparison between now and then. I will be making another list this week which I will post later on down the road.
you seriously are the biggest virgin on cf -
Me to JP a week ago: So how long have you played Crossfire you seem to act like you've been here since the start?
JP: Like 4-5 Years
Me: You seem to know all these competitive players but you haven't competed before or even read the comp forums until a few years ago.
JP: I have competed before!
Me: In what?
JP: March of the ghosts
Me: ... -
Me to JP a week ago: So how long have you played Crossfire you seem to act like you've been here since the start?
JP: Like 4-5 Years
Me: You seem to know all these competitive players but you haven't competed before or even read the comp forums until a few years ago.
JP: I have competed before!
Me: In what?
JP: March of the ghosts
Me: ...
4-5 years that's a little less 1/3 of my ageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wtf -
Me to JP a week ago: So how long have you played Crossfire you seem to act like you've been here since the start?
JP: Like 4-5 Years
Me: You seem to know all these competitive players but you haven't competed before or even read the comp forums until a few years ago.
JP: I have competed before!
Me: In what?
JP: March of the ghosts
Me: ...
I had no clue about competitive until like Midway through 2012. People first heard about me was when I did the FG LAN.
I wish I was around back when WEM and WOGL was still with CF. -
I had no clue about competitive until like Midway through 2012. People first heard about me was when I did the FG LAN.
I wish I was around back when WEM and WOGL was still with CF.
The point being made is that you act like you know players before your time, when you weren't there. Even I was here before you and I still won't talk about old old, competitive players unless I knew them. I only played two comp events before 2012. -
Actually I'm liking the competitive side of Cf the more i get into it. First off inside my clan as ZZ already knows we have made a team and participate in esl weekly and he himself has been a great help to my team and I. Hope to see other "pub clans" get into it as well, i understand its hard doing both however its the summer so enjoy. Coming from a guy juggling college, work, and other daily things.
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