TeamGaming German Multigameclan, Join us!

Hello Crossfiremembers!
We`re TeamGaming [ Rank 126 ] [ 83 Clanmembers ]

You must read all Clannews and Applyrulez.
If u cant read, dont apply.

You must have Teamspeak 3 & Headset!
If u dont have anything, you have 1 week than kick out of clan when you dont have headset or teamspeak.

We take only Players who can speak German!
If u dont speak german, dont apply.

We love Respect!
If u dont respect every player, dont apply.

Every player who want join must me over 14 years old!
Please dont lie in the apply with your age.

We are a Multigame clan.
We have the "TeamGaming" Clan in many other Games, but we need more Members.

The Clan managment do all for it that our clan will be better.
If you saw flammers or hackers please kontakt me here.

We are in 2 Communitys:


TeamGaming Multgameclan (is under construction)