Legit Players vs. Hackers.


So first of all I would like to say there are still some legit players out the but of course with the extreme amount of hackers I feel like more and more players who used to be legit are resorting to hacks.

Reason? Well because there is simply no other way to battle the hackers(1 or 2 usually no problem with a good player but when the whole BL or GR team is hacking one has no choice.)
^Well there is a choice Die, Leave or Use their own medicine against them.

That being said a lot more lt. and above are starting to use hacks. And even those with all VIP weapons and ones that spend almost 30k zp a day. Which means... They are absolutely sure they don't have to worry about Z8 banning them. So basically the hackers are paying Z8 to let them be. Which they don't mind because of course THEY are getting PAID.

Hacking report system

This is basically useless. Why? Because all of us legit players can easily say the amount of hackers vs. the amount of legit players who take the time to report hackers rather than kick them outnumber us. This being said we can make 2 reports a day(The ones that take the time to do it) and we see at least one hacker per room and I know I play in over 20 rooms a day no one can report all of them. And with the legit players reporting per server we don't even get a chance to report half of them.

Also Z8 can't keep up with the hacking reports so they are pretty much useless. And don't tell me they can because those who report them have played the game and seen the dame hacker months later.

Kick Vote System

This is a great system even though it is abused on a regular basis. For example: A kid kicks a good player so his friend can join, or lower rank players vote no to a hacker because they want to win, or even kicking a player for trying to get rid of their teams hacker. But otherwise in rooms with higher rank players it works like a charm!(Works even better for farmers! Instant kick cause everyone vote at once!)

Suggested Improvements!

My idea is basically the Hacker Report system combined with the Kick Vote System. For example Z8 could develop a option at the end of each game to report hackers. Basically a list of players(Including the kicked ones) and submit a form for each of the players who were hacking. There could be a list of basic hacks(Check Boxes not Select one of the following because players use more than one type of hack) For example Speeding, No Recoil/Reload, Walling, AimBot, or Fly/Under Map. And lastly a spot for any extra information about the players who Hacked.

How it works

So this idea is kind of like a survey. More players will do it because it is quicker and they don't have to log out or save replays!

This system could be automated and if a X number of people reported the same player the players account would be auto banned for X amount of days or a permanent ban(Up To You Z8). Like a survey it would collect all the input and sort it so that all of the reports would be shown by player(This showing how many reports a player got). And if a player believed it was a false ban you would have evidence(X Reports, Hack Types, and Comments on the player) In case of a false report(Before you read whats next I'll say this 80% of hackers are Master Sergeant and below) Separate Ranks organize by [Recruit] to [Master Sergeant] and [2nd LT] to [Marshall].

Now that you have heard what I have had to say I would like to show you an example I made using Google docs. I know it is not even close to what z8 would need to make to put it in the game and to find a way to give each player the option to report hackers right through the game, But it would be worth it for them to at least try it. The idea that players can report hackers right after a game has some benefits like: The hackers would be fresh in their mind(They don't have to take so much time using the normal report system like remembering a players name figuring out which replay was that player and so on) They can do it in crossfire and they can do more reports without over piling z8 staff with reports! Because it would be automated!. I just thought it was a good idea without spending all of the money Z8 is not willing to spend for something other than xtrap, Heck who would even need xtrap it only stops hackers an hour after its updated anyways. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18QYf8flQn_D7RpgVuINuz7TrvHJWBq0wcqq9LLDPfqk/viewform

Please take this into consideration! This isn't some half assed complaint about hackers it is a legit suggestion that would make your zp spending players be happy and spend MORE on the game! And your paying the developers anyway why not have them work on something like this! And I bet half of the players wouldn't mind if this was a patch because it would be WORTH it.


  • Hello Duramax

    This was a good read, I'm glad to see that there are some legit players left. To tell you the truth I haven't been playing long, maybe like 2 to 3 months now. I'm still a noob, I picked up a few skills here and there, I wouldn't say I'm close to pro or skilled. I usually play mutation mode or s and d. My in - game name is FicDisDie.

    I have no experience reporting players, haven't even tryed it cause I get the impression that nothing will result from it. I also agree with you when it comes to the kicking system. However, I think the same thing will result result from your idea.

    It's good that legit players will get to report after the game. But all the players in the room will receive the same message, what if the hackers simply say that legit players are hacking. It's a double edge sword to me.

    If only z8 could make it so that no other program could run when crossfire is running then no tool could be used. But that could be annoying. To me the best thing to do is to save your replays or make a list of the players names and alert other players here on forums. Idk
  • too bad z8 doesn't do anything to try to catch the cheaters except for xtrap which doesn't do ****
  • Hello Duramax

    This was a good read, I'm glad to see that there are some legit players left. To tell you the truth I haven't been playing long, maybe like 2 to 3 months now. I'm still a noob, I picked up a few skills here and there, I wouldn't say I'm close to pro or skilled. I usually play mutation mode or s and d. My in - game name is FicDisDie.

    I have no experience reporting players, haven't even tryed it cause I get the impression that nothing will result from it. I also agree with you when it comes to the kicking system. However, I think the same thing will result result from your idea.

    It's good that legit players will get to report after the game. But all the players in the room will receive the same message, what if the hackers simply say that legit players are hacking. It's a double edge sword to me.

    If only z8 could make it so that no other program could run when crossfire is running then no tool could be used. But that could be annoying. To me the best thing to do is to save your replays or make a list of the players names and alert other players here on forums. Idk

    I see what you mean but hacking programs are shadow programs they hide and don't show up as a program just as a process. This being said Z8 can't update the system on the names, or codes associated with the processes because they change every couple of days to a week when they update(Which is after every patch).

    Now if they were smart they would file lawsuits against the websites that create these programs(I could name quite a few websites).

    So and about the double edged sword. Hackers are lazy. They us Aim bots and such so they won't have to bother playing. They get a kick out of ruining a players day. And I think that the *******s are too lazy at the end of a game to try and report legit players.

    But another suggestion to that type of hack report I got an idea, if the players lose their honorable soldier ribbon make it so that they can not use the report system! Also if a player gets kicked or put up for a kick vote make it so they can not report the person who kicked them as a hacker(But then again... with the kicking of legit players. Ehh This only could possibly lose 2 hack reports).

    Anyways it is a suggestion I am free to all criticism I wrote this after raging against a bunch of hackers about 6 in each of the last 3 rooms I played. Again thank you for pointing out it being a Double-Edged sword. I started playing in December and I spend a lot of money on this game... I just want the hackers to go away or at least battle it out in one server instead of ALL OF THEM.