KillTactics Official Recruiting Thread

KillTactics is currently looking for mature and skilled North American players. We have recently gone through a few changes, and whittled down the membership to only players who are active and interested in the clan. While there may be some exceptions, here are the requirements to become a member:

Ping <125 in Alpha
Positive K/D
Willing to be INVOLVED in the clan (be on Vent, join Facebook page, and interact with other members).

If you decide to join KillTactics, you make the commitment to put honor and integrity above all else. While in game, you will treat other players and clanmates with respect, courtesy and dignity. You will not complain, hackusate, trash talk, or otherwise demean other players. You will conduct yourself in a mature and respectable manner at all times.

Having said all of this, we still like to win. Do not assume that being "nice" means we are just here to horse around and have a good time (though that is certainly important as well). This game isn't life or death, but we like to put forth a good effort at all times and win whenever possible. We have a good stable of quality players and intend to continue to develop our skills. We have and will continue to particpate in pub-level tournaments, leagues and other competitions.

If this does not sound like you, please enjoy the game in another clan. There are plenty of clans that have a great time trash-talking others, speaking in a vulgar or racist tone, etc. There is not necessarily anything inherently wrong with these clans; it is just not how we want to be perceived. At all times, we wish to be viewed as good players, but also as decent and upstanding human beings who are fun to play with. We want other players to be excited when a KillTactics member enters their room.

If, on the other hand, KillTactics sounds like a clan where you could be at home, please apply today.

KillTactics Clan Page
